Deeper with Christ Jesus


Date: 26.03.2021

Title: Deeper with Christ Jesus

By:ย Dorcas Enim Enyan

Lord, if it`s you,โ€œ Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.โ€œ

“Come,โ€œ he said.

(Matthew 14:28-29)

A short recap into this scripture. From the beginning of the book of Matthew, Jesus Christ had come into the scene by gradually fulfilling the prophecies of the prophets from the Old Testament. He chose His disciples, and Peter was the first among the 12 to follow Him.ย 

The key scripture of today is well known when it comes to faith, but l would want us to view it through the lens of relationship. The disciples of Jesus Christ walked with him throughout His earthly ministry and saw Him perform miracles, teach the gospel and manifest the fullness of His Father (God). Shortly before this verse, Jesus fed five thousand people, and after they were all satisfied, He sends his disciples on a boat to go ahead of him. Before dawn, Jesus goes to them walking on the lake, and when his disciples saw him, they were terrified, `it`s a ghost, they said and cried out in fear. In Matthew 14:28-29, Peter made a request which l will want us to dwell on.ย 

Growing up as a little child in the Lord, Church was a place l never missed out on. Though I loved Jesus, one of the motivations I had to go to church was because my mum usually buys me popcorn after service each Sunday. If she fails to buy for me, l would cry till a stranger buys it for me which was quite embarrassing to her. But now that am grown-up (not fully grown though), my mindset towards my walk with God has changed. The bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:11, โ€œWhen l was a child, l talked like a child, thought like a child, l reasoned like a child. When l became a man, l put the ways of childhood behind meโ€.

I never knew there was more in God till he began to reveal to me through my dreams and visions inviting me into a deeper realm with him. I thought accepting Jesus as your Lord and personal saviour, going to Church and participating in Church activities was enough. There is more for you; as the bible says in John 14:12, โ€œTruly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do because I am going to the Fatherโ€. Jesus wasn’t addressing the Pastors, Apostles or Bishops, WHOEVER meaning anyone who believes in Him has access. Beloved, God desires to have an intimate relationship with you, He didn’t spare his Son Jesus but He gave him all up for us (Romans 8:32) which is prove that He is willing to give in abundance whatever you desire from Him.

On our scripture of today, we hear Peter requesting Jesus for him to come where He was. Jesus was standing in the middle of the river, the deep. This is symbolic, as the deep represents ‘depth of knowledge’, the kind of knowledge that comes through relationship (experience with the one being known). We know that Jesus granted His request, and by the strength of the word โ€˜comeโ€™ that Jesus said, Peter walked on water to meet Him at the deep (letโ€˜s try to forget the sinking part). In summary, Peterโ€™s request (prayer) took him deeper with God to a realm the other disciples could only imagine.

What are you requesting in prayer?

How deep are you willing to go?

How further can you go?

Jesus is calling you to come closer, further and deeper.

When your motivation for following God is so you can gain the things of this world, it keeps you with the others in the boat (the bandwagon), but when your desire is Him, which is revealed by the quality of your prayer requests, you will find yourself standing at the deep with Him; in an intimate relationship with Him.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€˜s pray that God would grant believers the thirst to seek after Him wholeheartedly and the desire for an intimate relationship with Him. Again, He should purify our prayer life, that it should be free from the cares of this world.

God bless you all.

If this has blessed you, Please share this Call to Prayer with your friends and family so they will be blessed too.ย 

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