Never Give Up


Date:ย 31.03.2021

Title: Never Give Up

By:ย Daniel Idehen

……… Though I fear not God, nor regard man; Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.ย And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith.ย And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh,ย shall he find faith on the earth?

(Luk 18:2-8 KJV)

We live in a world where things are available to you at the snap of your fingers: we now have fast cars, fast food, and even fast internet connection etc. Because our world has become faster, sometimes we expect the same in our walk with God. We expect the answers to our prayers to appear immediately, instant fulfilment of prophetic utterances, and we even expect God to speak back to us immediately we ask a question (Enquire) etc. Unlike our world, God hasnโ€™t changed since the beginning. Even though God does quickly respond to us some times, other times He may just want us to wait. However, in that season of waiting, many people give up on their quest, on their seeking. They simply stop trying.

In the scriptural verse of today, Jesus shared a parable to encourage His disciples not to give up in the place of prayer. Though prayer was the emphasis here, the same lesson can be applied in other areas of our walk with God. How do we keep on believing and trying despite several setbacks? The right understanding of the mind of God and His plan for mankind will help us in this regards. Beyond our immediate desire, God wants us to succeed in life overall. Character attributes such as perseverance and patience (long-suffering) are needed in obtaining and maintaining success. These attributes are developed during the season of waiting and seemly failure. The reason God has waited so long in granting your heart desire may be because He is developing character in you.

Another thing that God achieves in us in the season of waiting is โ€˜death to the fleshโ€™. Many times, the reason we desire certain things from God is so we can satisfy our lustful desires. The season of waiting kills the flesh, freeing us from carnal desires. In this state, we can truly enjoy our blessings. Furthermore, staying put in believing and trying despite several failures is proof of faith. Have you ever wondered how many times Abraham and Sarah tried having children? Because they believed the promise, they kept trying, even at old age. If you give up on your vision or in the practicing of the gift the Lord has given to you because of setbacks, itโ€™s a sign that you did not believe the promise.

Let me testify. Sometime last year, The Lord granted me a unique encounter in a dream to encourage me not to give up. He took me to a mountain top and had me digging for a pearl. After I had dug some depth, I almost gave up. But He kept telling me to continue digging, that the pearl was underground. As I continued, someone came to help me bring out the pearl. After this, He said to me, paraphrasing, โ€˜I do not want my children (The Church) to lose what they have. I want them to return to the practice of old, when people trusted God to hear their prayers in their secret place, instead of going from one place to the other looking for answers.โ€™

Mark 11:24 reveals that when we ask anything in prayer, thatโ€™s the moment God grants our request (when our prayer is in line with His will). However, thatโ€™s not when it manifests in the natural. As we persevere in our faith, despite the situation trying to make you believe God did not hear you, then it will manifest. Therefore, never give up, keep believing, and never stop trying.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s take time out today to ask God to help every member of the body of Christ to persevere even amid setbacks and a long period of waiting.

God bless you all.


If this has blessed you, Please share this Call to Prayer with your friends and family so they will be blessed too.ย 

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