Running with the Wind


Date: 04.04.2021

The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit

John 3:8 NKJV

In the word of God, Natural things are mostly used to explain Spiritual things. For example, it is written in Psalm 19 that, creation (Natural things) gives evidence of the existence of God (Spirit). In the same way, our Lord Jesus in John 3:8 likened the Holy Spirit to the Wind. We canโ€™t see the Wind but see its influence/effects; it is used to turn Turbines to generate electricity and a strong wind can uproot trees and even remove the roofing of buildings. The Holy Spirit is unpredictable and cannot be seen but the work He does in and with our lives reveals His glorious presence.

When you are traveling by Flight from Germany to Ghana, the time it takes to arrive in Ghana is different from the time it takes to travel back to Germany, although the interval is the same. Why is it so? The answer is as a result of Tailwind and Headwind. Tailwind runs with the Plane and pushes it to run faster, and Headwind moves against the Plane and slows it down. As Christians, we are supposed to run with the wind (Holy Spirit). When we do so, we will be successful (Godโ€™s measure of success) in every good work God has given us and live to please Him. I believe that majority of the problems we go through as Christians are as a result of us running against the Wind and not with Him. We are not led by the Spirit and we as well lean on our own understanding which mostly result to catastrophic outcomes.

Brethren letโ€™s consider these two men of God in the Bible, one ran with the wind and the other ran against the wind. On the day of Pentecost (Acts 2), the Holy Spirit came as rushing wind on the believers. Apostle Peter who was sensitive to the Spirit, was able to discern the season they are in and used that opportunity to preach the Gospel. As a result, the people available were pricked in their heart and about 3000 gave their lives to Christ. Brethren, when we run with the wind, we will win many souls for Christ and also have great impact in the lives of others. Jonah on the other hand when the Lord sent him to Nineveh decided to disobey and fled to Tarshish (Jonah 1). Since he was running against the Wind (Holy Spirit), he was met with a head wind in a form of storm on the Sea. He had to spend 3 days in the belly of a fish before he went back to do the work, he could have finished days before.

ย In order to run with the wind, we need the spirit of discernment to know the times and seasons, and act accordingly. Physical seasons are created by the movement of the wind and spiritual seasons are created by the movement of the Holy Spirit. In human life, everyoneโ€™s season is different, but the most important thing is to run with the Holy Spirit. Once the wind blows for that season, DO IT! Discernment comes from the Holy Spirit; worse time may be the best time and vice versa. Be spiritually sensitive! Also, we need to be flexible and be ready to change our way and move in every direction the Holy Spirit chooses. It will not always be the convenient. You will miss your season if you move by convenience!

Brethren, when we run with the wind, we will be able to do more for God, bearing more fruits and impacting many lives.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. May God help all believers to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and be able to discern the times and seasons we are in. May He also grant us the Grace to be obedient to every word the Holy Spirit speaks to us.

God bless you all.


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