Don’t Be Pressured

Call To Prayer

Date: 22.04.2021

Title: Don’t Be Pressured
By: Wale Lasisi

โ€œI will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.โ€

(Psalm 32:8 KJV)


Some few years back, I had to make a crucial decision that concerned me and some members of my household. At that point in time, I was saddled with the responsibility of making that move and there were several options on ground to choose from but God told me to wait. That could have easily been understood but the problem was this decision had to be taken within a time frame and the clock was ticking. The closer we were to the deadline, the more the pressure โ€œto do something” built up and I looked irresponsible in their sight. The mood was thick and I could feel it but still, I remained calm. It was during this period I knew that having an unwavering faith in God can sometimes be challenging and being patient can be frustrating when a lot depends on you. Howbeit, I remained steadfast and just when it looked like I had lost it, God showed up and that singular action is still being celebrated today because the blessings that emanated from it was in multiple folds.

King Saul was faced with a similar challenge in 1 Samuel 13. The drums of war were audible from the army of the philistines and they waited for prophet Samuel to offer sacrifices but he didnโ€™t show up and the people were scared and began to scatter for safety. As the appointed days drew near, the pressure on King Saul โ€œto do somethingโ€ became more intense as against the commandment of the Lord and finally, he succumbed to the pressure and fell into an error that first eroded kingship from his lineage and then began his destruction.
Hear his verdict in verses 13-14 โ€œAnd Samuel said to Saul, thou has done foolishly: thou hast not kept the commandment of the Lord thy God, which he commanded thee: for now would the Lord have established thy kingdom upon Israel forever. Now thy kingdom shall not continue…….โ€

Decision making is built into our daily living as human beings and at every junction, where we turn will determine how far or how close we are to fulfilling destiny. It does not matter if it’s a major career, marital, financial or any other kind of decision we are making, we need Godโ€™s guidance and divine direction to make the most of lifeโ€™s journey. It is therefore imperative to seek for divine guidance and not be pressured into making a hasty decision that could jeopardise God’s plan for our lives. Job during his ordeal was pushed by his wife to curse God and die but he refrained and stayed with God and today, thousands of years after, we are still talking about the greatness of his latter end.


Prayer point:

Let’s pray for the peace of God upon our lives as he leads us in our daily decision making and also the grace to abide by him.

God bless you all!


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God bless you all!


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