Manifesting His Glory

Date: 29.04.2021
Title: Manifesting His Glory
By: Wale Lasisi

Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. (Rom. 8:30 KJV)

David had an unusual unction upon his life that was so much, the presence of God and his glory was tangible to him. It was so real that his confidence in God was unmatched when he faced Goliath. Can you imagine a boy that has never fought in any battle before telling the King who is the commander-in-chief of the army โ€œlet no manโ€™s heart fail because of him….โ€ referring to trained and well equipped soldiers in 1Sam. 17:32. Who was he to speak that way? After carefully looking at the life of David, I realised he carried the glory of God. It was this glory upon his life that was transferred to the distressed men that gathered themselves to him in cave adullam and they began to do exploits in battle such as never seen before and their name changed to men of valour.

Every child of God has been called into glory at new birth and it is part of the package of redemption. In Revelation 5:12, one of the things that Jesus received for us on the cross is glory amongst other things and that is why in Rom. 8:19, we see that the world is waiting for the manifestations of this glory which has been given to the sons of God which includes you and me. However, manifesting in the reality of this glorification demands that we consciously walk in the light of the truth which is the word of God. His word said in Matthew 5:14 that โ€œye are the light of the world, a city set upon a hill that cannot be hid” God expects that wherever we get to, we carry this consciousness of being the light bringing solutions to many bugging problems that has kept people at standstill in their businesses, family, schools and in workplaces because everywhere we appear, the glory of God goes with us.

We are not maximising this provision because of ignorance of what has been provided for us. For instance, if a man has $50 million inheritance in his will for his son but the son chose not to read the document, he will continue to languish in poverty due to ignorance whereas he is supposed to be living like a king. Therefore, lay hold on your package of glory embedded in the word of God, carry his presence and become a wonder to your world.

Prayer point:

Let’s pray for God’s manifest presence in our daily lives and that He should reveal his package of glorification to us.


God bless you all!


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