For theirs is the Kingdom of God


But Jesus said, โ€œLet the children come to me. Donโ€™t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.โ€

– Matthew 19:14 NLT

When we were all children, we were always amazed when we see or hear new things. We were always fascinated of its significant and were ready to learn and add to our knowledge. We trusted our protectors who are our parents with no doubt that they wanted the best for us. We had faith in them believing that they will never lie nor leave us.

We are now grown and have acquired knowledge throughout our years. We now know whatโ€™s good and bad or whatโ€™s true and false. We might also see ourselves wiser compared to the younger ones. Most of us donโ€™t want to be seen as clueless or unwise. Maybe because it may show immaturity, unintelligence or illiteracy. Some of us are now graduates, some have also acquired their masters or doctorate degree and feel too proud to be looked down on. Due to that, we tend not to be ready to be thought furthermore. Whatever the case may be, we just want to prove that we know it all!ย 

In this chapter we could see the disciples pushing the children away from coming to Jesus, because they didnโ€™t want them to distract the teaching of our Lord Jesus. Not to forget, Jesus mentioned in (Matthew 18:3-4) that everybody must be humble enough like a child to be able to enter the Kingdom of God. The disciples struggled with pride and self-importance. Jesus understood this to be a trap from Satan, who had tempted Christ in the same ways in the wilderness (Luke 4:6).ย  His followers were obsessed with their own greatness and were in every way like the world in that respect. So Jesusโ€™ common remedy was to lift up the attitude and trusting humility of children as one to emulate.ย 

Jesus wanted the little children to come to Him because He loves them and because they have a guileless trust in God. All people need childlike faith in God.The receptiveness of little children is a great contrast to the stubbornness of this world, who let their education and sophistication stand in the way of the simple faith needed to believe in Jesus.

Brethren, I know childlike faith will take great courage because it will mean leaving all your knowledge aside and accept the unknown. But since we know the way to our saviourโ€™s heart, letโ€™s humble ourselves so that we can be accepted in the kingdom of God. Remember, only those with “ears to hearโ€œ (Mark 4:12) would be able to accept this counter-cultural message that cuts against the natural inclinations of a sinful man.ย 

Prayer Point:ย 

Let us thank God for His word. Letโ€™s pray that God help every believer to have a childlike character so that we may be accepted in His kingdom.


If this has blessed you, please share this Call to Prayer with your friends and family so they will be blessed too.ย 

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