The Grace Of God


John 1:17

For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christย 

The word Grace is constantly used in the Bible, and it culminates in the New Testament with the coming of Jesus. In Greek language the word is translated in the New Testament ,,charisโ€œ which means, โ€žfavour, blessingย  or kindness.โ€œ

When the word โ€žGraceโ€œ is used in connection with God, it takes more of a powerful meaning.

Grace is God choosing to bless us rather than curse us as our sin deserves. It is His kindness to the undeserving. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8).ย 

The Grace of God has already been at work since the days of Adam and Eve. God could have killed them at first but rather, He killed an animal and covered them with it (Genesis 3:21). This continued in the same way throughout the Old Testament until the coming and the crucification of our Lord Jesus Christ.ย 

The only way any of us can enter into a relationship with God is because of His Grace towards us, and this relationship was established through Jesus Christ. We donโ€™t get His Grace through the blood of animals but rather through faith that Jesus has already taken that place. Let us pause here for second; the Faith! That means, it wasnโ€™t the blood of those animals per se that saved them but rather it was the Grace of God that forgave those who trusted in Him (Genesis 15:6). It means when sinful men sinned against God, they showed their faith in God by offering what God demanded.

Now many may think that mercy and grace are the same, but no they arenโ€™t; Mercy withholds that punishment we deserve while Grace gives a blessing we donโ€™t deserve. Grace is more like favour (unmerited favour). In Mercy, God chose to forgive us all our sins by giving us His only begotten Son to die on our behalf but God went furthermore than Mercy, and extended Grace to His enemies.

God gives eternal life, divine relationship with Him, forgiveness, eternal treasures and a place in Heaven to those who accepts His offer and believes in the sacrifice He made.ย 

Beloved, Godโ€™s Grace is the greatest treasure because weโ€™re not deserving.

Prayer Point:ย 

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word. Letโ€™s pray for Grace to abound in the lives of all believers around the world. Letโ€™s also pray for the Mercies and Grace of God to be extended to all unbelievers so they may experience the unfailing love of Christ.

If this has blessed you, please share this Call to Prayer with your friends and family so they will be blessed too.ย 

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