Just believe

Call to Prayer

Date: 04.06.2021

Title: Just believe

By: Dorcas Enim Enyan

Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

(John 20:29 ESV)


We live in a world where society has trained us to see before we believe. I am sure in our day to day lives we have been confronted with this saying “Seeing is Believing”, which simply means, if you see something for yourself, you will believe it to exist or be true, even though it is extremely unusual or unexpected.

But does this apply to everyone? No, as believers of Christ though we have been born into this world, we are not of this world because Jesus has called us out from it through His death. His death adopted us, separated us, cleansed us, transformed us and gave us a NEW LIFE in Him. This life demands a deliberate renewal of our minds, and this renewal process is re-establishing a new mind, perspective in replacement of the pattern we adapted while we were in the world. (Romans 12:1-2).

A short recap of our scriptural verse, Jesus had risen on the third day after his death as he foretold his disciples while he was with them. Now Mary Magdalene goes into the tomb where they had laid Jesus but finds the tomb empty and runs immediately to his disciples and inform them what she has seen. And they all went back to the tomb to confirm if it’s empty. Jesus then appears to Mary and tells her to inform his disciples concerning his ascension to the Father. He later on in the evening appears to his disciples to confirm that he has risen from the dead. Thomas who was one of the disciples, not being present when Jesus came, demands to see the wounds and the affliction of his body which resulted to his death so he will believe.

How was it possible that even those He chose were not able to understand and accept His words? Though it was witnessed in Luke18:34 that his disciples were kept from understanding what Christ was saying when He predicted His death and resurrection (Luke 18:34), this kind of unbelief is seen in the Church today. The solution to this unbelief was demonstrated in the life of another of Jesus’s disciple called Peter. Peter understood the power of the word of God by His encounter with Jesus Christ recorded in Luke 5: 1 -11. In that encounter, Peter had a great catch of fishes after he obeyed the instruction of Jesus Christ to ‘put out into the deep and let down his nets for a catch (Luke5:4)’. Peter, being a professional fisherman for many years, understood that the great catch was a miracle that came as a result of his obedience to the word. Sometime later, when Jesus was walking on water, to prove that it was Jesus indeed, he asked Him to ask him to come over (Matt. 14:28,29). Peter Knew that if He was Jesus, he can walk on water on the strength of that word, which he did. This is a strong faith in the word of God being expressed by Peter. This faith came from Peter’s experience with Jesus.

Yes, “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Roman 10:17)”, but the more time we spent with Him to have that experiential knowledge of God, the stronger our faith will becomeBelief is a natural product of faith.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s also ask Him for the grace to spend quality time with Him so that we can gain that experiential knowledge of Him, which will lead to our faith in Him being strengthened.

God bless you all!


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