Understanding your walk with the Father

Call To Prayer
Title: Understanding your walk with the Father
Date: 17.06.2021
By: Wale Lasisi

Let thy garments be always white; and let thy head lack no ointment (Ecclesiastes 9:8 KJV)


Daniel was a man that had an outstanding testimony of righteousness and one that adhered strictly to the statutes of God. Even his adversaries in babylon who daily seek to destroy him spoke the same thing about his uprightness. They said โ€œwe shall not find any occasion against this Daniel….โ€(Dan. 6:5)

Our text today points to two major standards that we must meet to have a quality walk with God. First is having a garment that is white; this is symbolic and it means living a life of holiness. Anyone that has been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ is also mandated to live a life of holiness. This represents a life without spot or wrinkle and one without defilement or corruption. When a life defiled, there will be spots and blemish on such garment and will fall short of the requirement for the invitation to the marriage supper of the Lamb in Eph 5:27 โ€œThat he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.โ€

Secondly, the head must lack no ointment; this is also symbolic and it represents the oil which is the anointing. The Holy Spirit is the facilitator of the anointing and whoever is saved but not baptised in the Holy ghost must crave for it. This makes your walk with the Father seamless because the spirit is the major channel of communication and fellowship with Him. Through the Spirit, He divinely guides you like a father will guide his son when the two are walking together. Furthermore, the anointing empowers the carrier against the powers of darkness and the manipulative games of the devil. The more of the Holy Spirit we have, the more we become like the Father because through Him, we now have liberty in Christ (2Cor.3:17-18).

Beloved, Godโ€™s standards will not be lowered and we must do all we can through his grace to meet up and enjoy our walk with Him in this life and qualify to be children of His kingdom thereafter.

Prayer point
Letโ€™s ask God to give givthe grace to keep our garments always white and that our head will never lack oil.


God bless you!


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