Hellfire Is Real

And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous will go into eternal life

(Matthew 25:46 NLT).ย 

In our modern Church, itโ€™s not rare to hear one preaching about the healing power of Jesus or preaching about Jesus on earth, taking all our sins upon Him, dying and resurrecting from the dead on the third day. Most Pastors, Prophets or Apostles are now fond of preaching about wealth or riches on earth.ย  Itโ€™s true and good to preach about all these. We are witnesses that God provides all these to those who seek Him diligently (Matthew 6:33). However, it is written that it is appointed unto man to die once and afterwards Judgement (Hebrews 9:27). There are only two destinations after Judgement: Hell or Heaven. Beloved, Heaven is real and so is Hell. The same God who is our loving Father is also a judge.This message should also be preached to the Church.

Our Lord Jesus till now is the only person while on earth, preached often about Hell. Beloved in the Lord, itโ€™s easier to just use the word โ€œHellโ€and leave โ€œFireโ€ so that others who may hear the message feel comfortable and fearless when thinking about the judgement day. Our Lord Jesus who is our Savior, didnโ€™t only preach about Hell but took His time to describe in simple terms andย  words how Hell truly looks like and what kind of place it is and He is said that, โ€œHellfireโ€ exists (Matthew 5:22)ย 

It really doesnโ€™t matter if you choose to believe it or not, ,,Hellfireโ€ exists. The Bible tells us about how things are in Hell and explains them to us (Matthew 13:42). You either choose to believe it or not. It is written in the word of God that God gave us His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ) as a ransom for our sins so that anyone who believes in Jesus Christ will not perish (in Hellfire) but have everlasting life (John 3:16). You can decide not to believe but I tell you at the end of it all judgement will prove it to you.ย 

One day we will all stand before God. It doesnโ€™t matter if you were a Professor, a King or Queen, Rich or Poor, we will all face judgement. Jesus came on earth to point out that Hellfire was created too. In the Old Testament, it is written several times that Hell exists and that it has enlarged itself, which means that Hell is not full yet (Isaiah 5:14). Hell awaits those who donโ€™t accept or reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Saviour (John 3:18). This place was created for satan and his angels; It was created for punishment (Revelation 20:10).ย 

Many of us want to live a long life and arenโ€™t willing to think of death because we are afraid of what may happen afterwards. It doesnโ€™t matter if you live for 120 years or 700 years, you will by all means one day die (physically). Immortality is only seen in โ€žFantasy-Moviesโ€œ but cannot be found here on earth. Your flesh will be left when dead but itโ€™s your Spirit and Soul that will continue the journey after death (Genesis 3:19). Letโ€™s therefore be mindful of the life we live on earth, so that we can later be with the one who created us, which is in Heaven.

Let me tell you this, there is no Saviour in Hell, thereโ€™s no Salvation in Hell, there is no Bible in Hell, there is no Forgiveness or Mercy in Hell and there is no Joy in Hell, but pain. Whatever goes in Hell stays in Hell. Itโ€™s permanent!

Beloved, thatโ€™s why Jesus came 2000 years ago, died and brought us Salvation, so that you and I may have the opportunity to be with God our father. Jesus knows how painful it is to be in a place filled with fire and torture. Repent and be Saved from going to a place like this.ย 

Prayer point:ย 

Letโ€™s thank God for His word. Letโ€™s pray that God send His servants to preach His word about Heaven and Hell so that many will know that Hellfire is real.

If this has blessed you, please share this Call to Prayer with your friends and family so they will be blessed too.ย 

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