Receiving From Whoever He Sends


Title: Receiving From Whoever He Sends

Very truly I tell you, whoever accepts anyone I send accepts me; and whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me.โ€

John 13:20 NIV

As Christians, we all hear the voice of God. With this known, is it possible that the reason God still communicates with us by the ministration of the gift of Prophecy or wise counsels through others is to test our humility?

When Jesus was teaching His disciples humility, one of the things He taught them was “receiving whoever He sends (John 13:20)”. And note, the person He is sending may be one you perceive lower than you in any social standard. Now, the idea that God must speak to me directly before I know He is the one speaking is not founded in scriptures. The ministry of Paul and Barnabas that is still a blessing to us today came by the manifestation of the gift of Prophecy (Acts 13: 1-13). Note, Paul was also a Prophet.

Yes, we must test everything (1 Thes. 5: 20-21). the Bible, which contains the written will of God, is the standard by which we judge any word, accepting the good (what is consistent with His will), and rejecting the evil (what is not consistent with His will). Again, the peace of God in our hearts should be a deciding factor (Col. 3:15 AMP). Note, it said “the peace of God”, not the peace of our flesh. This is because the peace of God is not affected by natural circumstances, but our flesh can be worried as a result of fear from the observation of natural circumstances or occurrence.

The nation of Israel was rejected by God because they refused to accept the people (His messengers) He sent. They demanded proofs; signs to show that He was actually speaking, ignoring God’s approval on the vessels He sent. Today, they are still waiting for the Messiah that has come and gone. We Christians should learn from Israel’s mistake (Romans 11: 19 – 22)

Just what are mine saying: being ministered to by Prophetic or receiving the word from others is not belittling, it’s a proof of your faith and a test of your humility.

In conclusion, no matter the greatness of your Prophetic gift, or the accuracy of your discernment of His voice, be willing to receiving the word of God through others.

God bless you all




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