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Date: 09.07.2021

Title: Be still

By: Dorcas Enim Enyan


He says, “Be still, and know that l am God; l will be exalted among the nations, l will be exalted in the earth”.

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Our society today has set an embedded standard of development or achievement by which many have been bound to live by. Right from birth till adulthood, there are stages or phases of development established for the growth process of an individual. When a child is born, there is a time limit set for him/her to feed on her mother’s breast and mostly this period of breastfeeding lasts roughly three to six months, then the child is being confronted with the next stage which is feeding on solid or liquid food.ย  This process of development continues till the child grows and goes to nursery, primary school, secondary, college, university and eventually in his/her adulthood finds a befitting occupation and establishes his/her own family. For example, it is said that approximately between your mid-twenties, one should have been married with children or own properties. These systems have been set in our society and many are living by it, which have caused damage and still are. Many live their lives in confusion and panic not being able to achieve what society has set as a standard for every stage in a person’s life.

To live beyond and above the standards this world offers, we have to understand the Creator of our universe and follow his divine principles which can only make us prosper and not fail. In Ecclesiastes 3 the word of God enlightens us about the times and seasons which have been established by God himself for everything that happens on earth.

The times and seasons God has set for us can never be measured or compared with what the world offers. The inability of not meeting up to social accomplishment has caused many to live a failed and defeated life.

Beloved, God has times and seasons in His hands and just because you have not accomplished much does not mean you are a failure. Many times, we pursue our plans, visions, and get disappointed when things don’t go as we expect. This is because everything has its time as described in Ecclesiastes 3.

Our Lord Jesus Christ understood the times and seasons, and this made everything He planned on achieving on earth a success. In the book of John 7:1-8, the brothers of Jesus were trying to convince Him to go to the Festival of Tabernacles and show Himself to the world so people may see the things He is doing in secret. Jesus refused and told them His time has not yet come. If Jesus did not understand the times, He would have been influenced to show Himself at the wrong time and season.

In Psalm 46:10, the word of God speaks about being still which will be our main focus. The key to many of our problems has been hidden in the “stillnessโ€. Jesus was conscious of this, and diligently practiced being “still” by moving to an atmosphere where He could host the presence of God without interruptions.

Earlier this week, l was desperately in need and was asking everyone l thought l knew could help me but not God, and this situation got me so overwhelmed to the extent that it was even affecting my time with God. l woke up and refused not to think about the situation and the very moment l made that decision, the Spirit of God spoke. Hallelujah!

Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Lord, God will never set us up for failure as the world does. In stillness, we gain knowledge not only of the situation but most importantly, of who God is.ย 

In stillness, we find the rest of God!

In stillness, we gain clarity and peace!


Prayer Point

Let us thank God for His word. Let us pray that God should help the entire body of Christ to understand His timing and to enable us to practice stillness and gain knowledge in the place of rest. Amen!

God bless you all!

If this has blessed you, please share this Call to Prayer with your friends and family so they will be blessed too.ย 

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