To reveal the power of God


Date: 13/07/2021

By: Owusu Clifford S.ย 

Title โ€“ย To reveal the power of God ย 

John 9:3 (NLT) – It was not because of his sins or his parentsโ€™ sins,โ€ Jesus answered. โ€œThis happened so the power of God could be seen in him.

As Christians, sometimes we are quick to attribute negative occurrences to sin, as it happened in the case of Job. His friends thought his situation was because he had sinned against God. Undoubtedly, there are consequences for sin, and hardships or difficult situations can be one of them. However, not all negative situations are a result of sin. God has a way of doing what He wants to do and that is what makes Him God. In today’s Call to Prayer, we look at the life of the man who was born blind in John 9 and take some insights from it.

This man was born blind from birth. I believe as a child he might have asked himself so many questions. God, why I am different? Why can I not see as my peers do? What have I done to deserve this? He lived his life in darkness, physical darkness I mean. His condition made him become a beggar. People might have insulted him for begging them for money. In our world today, any blind beggar is often seen as cursed, and this was the mindset of the disciples. They were quick to ask what offense has brought upon the man his condition.

But the amazing thing is that God was aware of everything that was happening in his life, and it was through it that He wanted to reveal His power. Neither himself nor his parents had committed any sin. He had spent years of his life not being able to see. However, everything that was happening to him was for a reason, and God wanted it to be as such, but for a period of time. Beloved people of God, not all negative situations we encounter in life are a result of doing something wrong. What if God wants to use your situation and your subsequent testimony, when you come out of it, to save someone or increase the faith of someone? When we find ourselves in difficult situations that we cannot readily find answers and solutions to, let us pray for the grace to be steadfast in those situations. Yes, sometimes situations can be very hard, and the yoke may seem unbearable, but his grace sufficient. Moreover, who knows, maybe God wants it that way so that He can do His wonderful works in your life. Let us be encouraged and pray for the grace to weather the storm. God bless you.

Prayer: Let us pray and thank God for His word today. Also, let us pray for the grace of God to be steadfast in all situations and abide in the true vine no matter how difficult circumstances in life become. ย 


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