Living Epistles

Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart

2 Corinthians 3:2 KJV

One of the general purposes of God for everyone who comes to Christ is to become living epistles on this earth. What does it therefore mean to become living epistles? God, our heavenly Father, wants all His Children to be His express image on this earth; our lives should be a story that God is telling from Heaven. God wants to express all His dimensions (Love, Grace, Mercy, Peace, Faith, Power, Glory etc.) through us. In other words, God doesnโ€™t want people to only read the Bible to know who He is but can also look at our lives and see His Love, Grace, Mercy, Peace, Power, Glory and His Goodness.

Christ Jesus is the express image of God on this earth, a living epistle. Therefore, the more we become like Christ, the more we become living epistles in this world. Our Lord Jesus also reminded us in Matthew 5:14 that, we are the light of this dark world. One thing that light does is, it helps people find their way. As Christians, our lives should reveal the nature of God to the world. This will then draw many to Christ, and also encourage others to live a life that is pleasing unto God.

If we look at the background of this story, some false teachers had started carrying forged letters of recommendation to authenticate their authority. In no uncertain terms, Apostle Paul stated that he needed no such letters. However, the believers in Corinth to whom apostle Paul and his companions have preached were enough of a recommendation. This is what God wants to do with our lives. How then do we become living epistles?

The first key is to fellowship with the Holy Spirit. This transformation is the work of the Holy Spirit, and no human being can take the credit. When we become sensitive to the Holy Spirit, He directs our lives to follow the pattern that God has planned for us. The Spirit of the God (Holy Spirit) knows the mind of God (1 Cor 2:11). The Holy Spirit also gives us gifts, and His presence in our lives empowers us to live to please God (Acts 1:8).

Also, we have to spend regular time in the presence of God, studying His word, worshipping, fasting and praying. The more time we spend with God, the more we become like Him. We have to therefore behold the face of the Glory until we become the Glory. In Exodus 34, when Moses returned from Mount Sinai after spending 40 days and nights in the presence of God, His face began to shine (radiating the Glory of God).

The Lord sometimes uses Trials to also make us His living epistles. Job was a living epistle and we still use his story to encourage ourselves in times of trial. When he remained faithful in the midst of his trial, the Lord restored unto him all that he lost, and all his friends saw the manifestation of the power and goodness of God in his life. This is the same reason why God sometimes allow us to go through trials.

Beloved in the Lord, God wants to transform our lives through His Holy Spirit to become living epistles on this earth, whereby our lives will express all His dimensions. This is so wonderful! Therefore, letโ€™s always allow our lights to shine before all men so they may see our good works and glorify our father who is in Heaven (Matthew 5:16).

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for the answers to the prayers we have already received. Letโ€™s ask God to grant all believers the Grace to become the living Epistles that He has purposed us to be.

God bless you!


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