There is no bile


Date: 20/07/2021

By: Owusu Clifford S.ย 

Title โ€“ย There is no bileย 

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning (James 1:17 NKJV).

Growing up, having chicken for occasions like Christmas or Easter was a special feeling. Our mothers would go to the market, and when they return with a live fowl, there is great joy at home. But in the course of preparing the chicken, there is one thing that should not happen; the bile (a bitter greenish-brown alkaline fluid which aids digestion and is secreted by the liver and stored in the gall bladder) which was closer to the liver of the chicken should not bust. The bile is very bitter to the extent that it can make the whole chicken bitter and spoil the meal for the day. So, mothers were always cautious in preparing the food.

Moreover, getting the liver of the chicken was the delight of every child. Due to this, there is a saying that โ€œto every sweet liver there is a bile attachedโ€. In essence, there is no completeness in everything in this world. When I began to understand life, I understood why this was so. However, when I became a Christian, I realised that this popular quote should not be true in the life of a Christian.

There is completeness and perfection in everything we receive from God. God does not give us a sweet liver with bile attached. Godโ€™s blessings are complete. The verse for today is evidence of the fact that God gives us complete blessings. An unnurtured gift is not an incomplete gift, neither is an unidentified gift. Often through our mistakes and unfaithful ways, we attach bile to the sweet liver God has given us.

Now taking Genesis 22:13 for instance, we read that when God showed Abraham the ram in the bush, it was caught by its horns. Now the power of the ram was in its horns. It is with its horn that it fights any form of attack. So, the ram being caught by its horns indicated that it had no power to resist the slaughter. God made everything ready and complete for the sacrifice Abraham was going to make. Indeed, God provided, as Abraham replied to Isaacโ€™s question (Genesis 22:7-8).

Today, I want you to be encouraged that there is completeness in what God has given you. There is completeness in the location he has placed you, in the business idea he has given you, and even in the struggle, you find yourself. Not seeing the light now does not mean there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Wait upon the Lord, go deeper in prayer, and seek more clarity on what to do. Incompleteness comes from humans, not God. There is no bile in God.

Prayer: Let us take some time and pray and thank God for His word today. Also, let us pray for clarity and direction concerning our gifts, ministry, career, and every other aspect of our lives. Finally, let us thank God for the completeness of everything we have received from Him.


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