The Key of Righteousness


Title:ย The Key of Righteousness

By:ย ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 04.08.2021

And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God;ย walk before me, and be thou perfect.

(Gen 17:1 KJV)

A key is what we use to gain access to something that is closed. Usually, behind what is closed is something that we need, or consider valuable. Each door, safe, system, or whatever we need to open has a specific key that can access it. Though we may have several keys with us, we need the right one to open a door or safe that we want to access.

From scriptures, we know that it is the glory of God to hide a thing, but itโ€™s our glory (His kings) to search it out (Prov. 25:2). With this known, let us consider the truth that we have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ (Eph. 1:3). This means we have been given all we need in Christ. Despite this truth, a Christians doesnโ€™t automatically manifest these things. This is because these blessings that we have in Christ are the secrets that God has kept hidden. When we gain the right knowledge, then we can access them and see them manifest in our lives. 2 Peter 1:3 states: โ€œHis divine power has given us everything we need for a godly lifeย through our knowledge of himย who called us by his own glory and goodnessโ€. Knowledge is key.

One of such blessings we have been given in Christ is โ€œHis Righteousnessโ€ (2Cor. 5:21). Meaning, we all can manifest the Character of God. However, despite we have all received this gift, not every one of us is manifesting it to perfection; there are aspects of our lives that are not yet completely conformed to His image. What knowledge do we need to have to open the door that leads to the manifestation of His Righteousness?ย 

The key to manifesting the righteousness of God to perfection was given to Abram shortly before God fulfilled His promises to Him. As stated in our scriptural verse of today, God said to Abram โ€œWalk before me and be thou perfectโ€. In todayโ€™s English, God was saying to Abram โ€œwalk before me and you will be perfectโ€ (We need to know that the perfection God was requesting from Abram was in his character). We see, walking before God is the key to manifesting the character of God to perfection.

Before I reveal how to walk before God, we need to know that men like Job and Noah that God testified of their perfection in character had this witness about them: โ€œthey walked with God (Gen. 6:9, Job 29:3)โ€. Now, to walk with God means to always see God with you; to live knowing that God is always watching you. This was the reason Joseph was able to overcome the temptation of Potipharโ€™s wife despite he was alone with her in her room. Joseph said, โ€œhow can I do this wicked thing andย sin against Godย (Gen. 39:9)โ€. Therefore, Joseph saw God with Him.

Seeing God with you imparts to you His fear, knowing that He is the one that will judge your sin (Matthew 10:28). Again, the grace to overcome sin comes from His presence (Heb. 4:16), and we access His presence by being conscious of Him. Furthermore, being conscious of Him grants you access to mercy when you fall short; a constant purging away of your sins by the blood of Jesus (Heb. 4:16, 1John 1:6,7). Lastly, Itโ€™s good for us to know that we walk in the light by being conscious of the presence of God, which helps us to walk in love. And it is by walking love we attain perfection (Matt. 5:47, 48).

Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for His word today. Let us also ask Him to give us the grace to always be conscious of His presence with us so that we can manifest His character.


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