Accessing the Word of God


Title:ย Accessing the Word of God

By:ย ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 13.08.2021

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

(Mat 4:4 KJV)


The Word of God is the source of all there is; nothing came to be until the word was spoken, and it is by the word of God that all is sustained (Heb 1:3). The new man was begotten by the word (1 Peter 1:23), meaning his essence is from the word; he is like Him, the Word Himself (Our Lord Jesus Christ). We see, having his essence from the word, the life of a spiritual man is sustained by the word. Accessing the word of God in all its forms should therefore be the preoccupation by all them begotten by Him.

The value of having Godโ€™s word cannot be measured for the Word is life Himself (John 1:4). The absence of the word is death. Navigation, victory over the enemy and making progress in life is a function of the word you have accessed. 2kings 22 revealed how a whole nation was revived when the word was discovered. Truly, the word is light (John 14). Now, how do we access the word? This is quite important to know as it will help us to stay word-up in every season of life. Generally, the word comes in two forms: the written word (Logos) and the spoken word (Rhema). The written word is collated in what we know as the Bible. It should be noted that the written word has its source from the spoken word and it is divided into two sections: the Old and the New Testament. The stories in the entire Bible is to reveal a person, Jesus Christ, His work of redemption and God’s will for man.ย 

The bible is a faithful witness; it recorded statements from God, man, angels, the devil, and demons etc. This means, not every statement or action in the bible is Godโ€™s will for you. The will of God and His mind is discerned from the texts, and that discernment is a function of spiritual understanding, which we can all access by asking for it in prayer (Eph 1:17, 18). Because Abraham lied to save himself doesnโ€™t mean it is Godโ€™s will for you to lie. Or because Jacob deceived his father to get his blessings doesnโ€™t mean you should do the same. These stories were written to give us hope and comfort us in our situation, that whatever state you find yourself in, you can still trust in God (Rom.15: 4).

The spoken or Rhema word is a specific word from God to us. Weโ€™ve been called to fellowship with God (1Cor. 1:19), and in that fellowship, there is a need for communication. This is the reason for our creation. When man sinned in the beginning, His spirit was detached from God, meaning he had to live apart from God. Though God sent Prophets in the time past to pass His messages to men, by the redemption and joining of our spirit with His again, God desires to speak with us directly (though this does not exclude the ministry of Prophets). For this to be, each of us has to learn how to discern the voice of God to develop our relationship with Him. Now, itโ€™s good to know that there is a difference between hearing as a son of God and hearing as a Prophet. The prophetic ministry and gift are for serving people; meaning the revelations we may have as Prophets is not necessarily for us. Again, as Prophets, we have access to multiplied visions and dreams, and we do not necessarily have to seek the Lord for these revelations to come. However, as sons, there is a need to cultivate our relationship with Him by the constant seeking of His Face to have access to His voice. We all need to excel in both: as a son and as a Prophet.ย 

To hear as a son, we need to be sensitive to His voice (A voice is a means by which the word of God comes to us). To increase our sensitivity, we need to develop the habits of seeking God in His word (meditating on it day and night), in prayer (especially in tongues), in regular fasting, giving, praise & worship and spending time to listen to Him. Again, the more we obey His voice, the more our sensitivity to it increases.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s ask Him to help us do those things that will give us constant access to His word.ย ย 

God bless you all

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