The Goodness Of God


Date: 23.08.2021

By: Nana Adjoa Brasor-Kuffourย 

Title: The Goodness of God


Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me

All the days of my life;

And I willย dwell in the house of the Lordย  Forever.

(Psalm 23:6 NKJV)


Whenever you look back into your life and see where you are today, do you think you made it all by yourself or do you recognise God to be the one who brought you this far? Do you think it was a mere coincidence that made you to meet your partner or have a well paid Job? Just know that all the things which have happened to you so far was not coincidence or accomplished by yourself alone. You achieved all that you have because of the goodness of God.

There were times where God made a way where there seemed to be no way: He opened a door and your dreams came to pass, He gave you hope when everything around you seemed hopeless, He showed you Mercy when you less deserved it and He made impossibilities become possible in your life. All these happened in your life because you serve a good God.

Nevertheless as much as we know that Godโ€™s goodness in our lives has no limits, taking all the glory to ourselves or forgetting about the goodness of God in our lives can cause God to lift His hands off us. One may sayโ€šโ€˜โ€™Oh I am blessed because I am talented or I am blessed because I am wise, I am blessed because I am smart or a hard worker”.ย  Suddenly, all that we thought to have achieved by ourselves will be gone because we didnโ€™t recognise the one who blessed us.

In Deuteronomy 6:10 it was told to the Israelites about the good things God will accomplish in their lives. Nevertheless they were also warned never to forget about Him after they get to the promised Land (Deuteronomy 6:12). Today, God is warning us not to forget that it was through Him we are successful, rich, healthy, married or have children. Don’t let all the blessings you have achieved seem so common that you tend not to recognise that it was Godโ€™s goodness.

ย In one area of our lives, weโ€™re all in the Promised Land, because we have seen God do amazing miracles in our lives. Understanding and acknowledging that it was Godโ€™s favour that made you who you are today, makes God even do more for you.

The moment we got freed from all the challenges, we remembered God then, but on the long run we suddenly forget about God and begin to take all the glory for ourselves. Let us live a life remembering the goodness of Godย  constantly in our lives. God doesnโ€™t share His glory with anyone, so if you donโ€™t remember His goodness in your life, then the same God who opened the door to success can shut it again. Take time to thank God for His goodness, mercies, favour, blessings, grace and love showering over your lives daily.

Beloved in the Lord, donโ€™t let us be like king Nebuchadnezzar who then thanked God for all that he has but on the long run forgot Him, and took all the glory for himself. This selfish act of his made him to lose all that he had until he remembered Godโ€™s goodness in his life. Give God the CREDIT daily! (Daniel 4)

Prayer Point:ย 

Let’s thank God for His word and the answers to prayers we have already received. Letโ€˜s ask God to help all believers to never forget His Goodness in our lives.

God bless you all

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