

Title:ย Loyalty

By:ย ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 27.08.2021


The LORD passed in front of him and proclaimed: โ€œThe LORD! The LORD! a God who is compassionate and merciful, very patient,ย full of great loyaltyย and faithfulness,

Exodus 34:6 CEB


In a world that is growing increasingly wicked, loyalty seems to be a lost word in the English vocabulary. Everyone seems to be after his or her interest; sacrificing loyalty for our selfish desire seems to be easy for most to do. This is seen in families, at the workplace, in romantic relationships and even in mere friendships. Despite this has become the norm, it is not the will of God.

All through scriptures, we see God has demonstrated loyal love to humans despite our unfaithful nature. At the revelation of His glory to Moses, one of the attributes He mentioned of Himself is that He is full of loyalty (Exodus 34:6 CEB). This was first seen at the fall of man, who deserved the judgment he incurred. Despite this fact, God did not leave him to wallow in it, rather, He came down in Jesus to suffer for the sins of mankind; freeing man from the judgment due him. This was God demonstrating His loyal love to us (John 3:16).

Being created in His image and likeness (Gen. 1:26), it is Godโ€™s will that we manifest His attributes. John 17:22 revealed that God has given us His glory, which is expressed in character, power, and prosperity. Because of this, God tests our hearts to see if we will remain loyal to him. This explains the trials of Job, who was a righteous man full of good works (Job 1:1). God allowed the devil to afflict him, just to reveal the loyal heart that He has already found in Him. God also tested the Galatians Church through the trials of Apostle Paul; despite the affliction he had in his body, the Galatian Church did not despise him, rather, they treated Him as an Angel of God (a messenger from God), which he was (Gal. 4:14). However, not everyone passed the test: The book of Ruth revealed how the loyal love of Ruth and Orpah towards Naomi was put to the test. Ruth followed Naomi despite the future she presented looked dark and the possibility of Ruth getting married again was slim (Ruth 1: 6-18). But Orpah turned back because her desire to be married was greater than her love for her mother in law. God rewarded Ruthโ€™s loyalty to her mother in law by giving her Boaz, one of the most influential men in Israel then, to be her husband (Ruth 3-4).ย Our love for God should be greater than our love for the things He gives.

Is your love towards God loyal? If He decides to close the heavens over you, will you still sing praises to Him? Be careful of your answer, for He tests the heart. Now, what do we need to know that will empower our love to be loyal? We need to know and be conscious of the reward of loving God, though the reward He gives is not the reason why we love Him; for we love Him because He first loved us (1John 4:19). The bible has witnessed that God rewards those who diligently seek Him (Heb. 11:6), and He is not unrighteous to forget our labour of love (Heb. 6:10). The exaltation Daniel, Sheldrake, Meshach and Abednego received in Babylon was as a result of this loyal love that wasnโ€™t dependent on what God gives. Elisha received the anointing from Elijah because He was loyal to him (2 Kings 2:9).


Iโ€™ll end with this: Our loyalty towards God is revealed by our loyalty to man, Just as our love for God is seen by our love for our neighbours (1John 4:20)

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for the world today. Letโ€™s also ask Him to help us to be loyal to Him in our walk with Him.

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