Effecting Life

Call to Prayer

Title:ย Effecting Life

By:ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 29.09.2021

Forย the law of the Spirit of lifeย in Christ Jesus hath made me freeย from the law of sin and death.

(Rom 8:2 KJV)

And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; butย the Spirit is life because of righteousness.

(Rom 8:10)

In my last contribution to the Call to Prayer, I revealed the immortal nature of the life we have received as Christians. In that piece, I clearly stated that death in the flesh isnโ€™t necessary and that we have eternal life now. Today, I am going to reveal how to effect (make active) this life we have received.

The entire universe operates by Godโ€™s laws: the stars, the moon, the ocean and its waves obeys the dictates of the laws God has set. โ€œDeath and Lifeโ€ are no exceptions to the authority of the laws (word) of God. Though it was only indicated, the first man Adam operated under the law of sin and death. This was shown by the command โ€œdo not eat from the tree of good and evilโ€ God gave to Adam (Ge. 2:17). As long as Adam obeyed that commandment by not eating from the tree, he lived. But the moment he sinned by eating, he died. This law of sin and death continued across human history but was revealed (made known) by the law given to Israel (the old covenant). Therefore, the death we see in humanity is a product of that law that governs the Adamic generation (men of the flesh).

At the coming of the second Adam, Jesus Christ, a new law was given to govern the operations of the new life we have received. This law is calledย โ€œthe law of the Spirit of life (Romans 8:2)โ€. The operation of the new law is different from the old; the old was based on what you did or did not do, the new is simply based on faith, which can be expressed by what you say. In the law of The Spirit of life, there is no death, as long as our confessions are in line with the dictates of the new covenant. To better understand this, letโ€™s consider something important about the new man. The first man Adam, was a living soul while the second man Adam is a life-giving spirit (1Cor.15:45). We members of the Christ generation are as our elder brother Jesus Christ; We are essentially life-giving spirits like Him. This spirit of ours lives in a body. Now, we need to know that the law of sin and death operates in the flesh (which is part of the body), while the law of the Spirit of life is operational in the spirit. To put it clearly, our spirits which operate on the law of the Spirit of life lives in a body that was subjected to the law of sin and death (Rom. 8:2). As long as we keep reckoning in our hearts and words that we are dead (crucified with Christ), the life of Christ in our spirits can be effective.

There is another thing for us to consider. In the second chapter of the book of James, an important revelation was made about the judgments of God. While speaking against favouritism (discrimination), James made this claimย โ€œIf you really keep theย royal lawย found in Scripture, โ€œLove your neighbor as yourself,โ€ you are doing right. But if you showย favoritism, you sin and areย convicted by the law as lawbreakersย (verse 8-9)โ€.ย He went further to sayย โ€œSpeak and actย as those who are going to be judged byย the law that gives freedomย (verse 12)โ€. From the writings of James, we see the possibility for a Christian to be judged by the law of sin and death, this is despite we have been freed from it. We know that every guilty verdict in that law results in death (Rom. 6:23).

In conclusion, to effect the life we have received as born again Christians, we must keep our confessions in line with the realities of the new covenant (which is an expression of faith), and walking love (which empowers our faith).ย 

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s ask Him to give every believer the grace to keep our speech in line with His finished works and to help every one of us to walk in love.


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God bless you all


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