Buiding your faith


Date: 02/10/2021

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Title โ€“ย Building your faith


Joshua 17:16 – The people of Joseph said, โ€œThe hill country is not enough for us. Yet all the Canaanites who dwell in the plain have chariots of iron, both those in Beth-shean and its villages and those in the Valley of Jezreel.โ€ย 


Recently I was reading the book of Joshua, and I got to the point where the various tribes were allotted their portion of the inheritance. One verse that struck me and got me thinking and meditating was the verse for the day where the people of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) complained that their allotment was small, yet they could not drive out the Canaanites who dwell in the land because they had chariots of iron (strong military power). This verse got me thinking because these people were privy to all God had done, the destruction of the walls of Jericho being one of the highlights. So, I asked the Holy Spirit how we can build our faith to overcome new challenges. The answers and understanding are what have been compiled in todayโ€™s Call to Prayer.

Do not live in the moment but relive the moment every day.

When God does something wonderful or when we have an encounter or experience a miracle, we should not let go of those experiences. We should relive those moments as if they are happening now. A book of remembrance is a good idea. This is one of the surest ways of building our faith. This was the reason why God always reminded Israel that He was the God who brought them out of Egypt with a mighty hand. God wanted them to relive that moment and know the power of God whenever they encounter new challenges.

Know that God does not changeย  ย 

Hebrews 13:8 says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. The Lord who was there at the time of your need is the same God at the time of your abundance. God does not change. If new problems arise, use the same channel you used to get what you want some time ago. God does not have an upgraded version. There is nothing like God Pro Max or God S Plus. If He did it before, know that He can do it again. Approach him in boldness and confidence.

Kill your senses

The people of Joseph looked at the chariots of iron of the Canaanite people and became afraid. They had forgotten about the fortified walls of Jericho that came down and the size of the Anakim they conquered. When our physical senses get in the way, we kill our spiritual senses. Instead of looking at and relying on the one who can do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we can imagine or think of, what they focused on intimidated them. Kill your senses before they get in the way of your success.

Eliminate yourself from the equation

When we face a new challenge, we often have the mindset of โ€œmyself vs. the problemโ€. This mindset is a wrong focus. After you have done all that needs doing (fasting, praying, and waiting), your focus should be โ€œthe problem vs Godโ€. You are no more part of the equation. Undoubtedly, you may be experiencing the problem or the challenge physically, but you are still out of the equation. The people of Joseph should have placed the chariots of iron of the Canaanites against the God of Israel. However, they looked at what they had as against what the Canaanites possessed. If you believe the situation is bigger than your God, then you have been defeated. But if you believe otherwise, then victory is yours. This strategy was what David used to defeat Goliath. David eliminated himself from the battle and placed Goliath against the God of the armies of Israel.

May God grant us understanding of His word. God bless you!

Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for His word and the answers to our prayers. Let us pray for the grace to put the word of God into practice so that we can build our faith in the Lord.


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