What Happens When We Express Gratitude 


Date: 04.10.2021

By: Nana Adjoa Brasor-Kuffour

Title: What Happens When We Express Gratitude 


And Jesus said to the man, “Stand up and go. Your faith has healed you.“

(Luke 17:19 NLT)


I have been talking about the topic, “Gratitude“ for  some time now. Today, I would like to share with you the blessings that comes when you show or express your Gratitude. We learned about the ten lepers who got healed and only one remembered to show his appreciation to Jesus.This man received a greater reward because of his gratefulness. Jesus said, “Your faith has healed you“.Wasn’t he healed already? Yes, he was healed just like the other nine but at this point, he received a greater healing.The nine had sufficient Faith for the restoration of the health of their body but his Faith had gone further, and had given a new and purer life to his soul.The others only got the outward cure, he alone got the spiritual blessing. His faith is measured from the revelation he had. He did not only believe that he will be healed but he had the understanding that his healing can only come from Jesus. It’s a little faith, yet great with respect to the circumstance he was in. 

On that note, let me point out what happens when gratitude is expressed:

It reminds us that God is our source.

Whatever we have accomplished in life comes from God. It may have happened through men but it was God who allowed them to happen because every good and perfect gift comes from above, and comes down from the father of lights (James 1:17). The promotion you had at work was because of God. The accident you escaped was not because the driver was good but it was because God protected you and didn’t allow you die.  So if you have grateful heart, you are constantly reminded that God provides all your needs, according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).

It helps us to remain focus rather than worrying about unsolved issues. 

Gratitude reminds us that, even though we may be in trouble or things may not work as planned, yet we have so much to be thankful for. Some of the blessings we receive may look small to others but for us, we know they are great. Therefore, we tend not to take things for granted but rather appreciate every given moment with Christ our saviour (Psalm 121). 

A heart of gratitude takes away ungodliness.

When we truly have an attitude of Gratitude, it is impossible to be filled with envy, offence, bitterness, anger, and hatred. Both don’t coexist! 

It brings more continued blessings into your life. 

Gratitude invites God’s presence and allows His mercy and grace to be constant in your life.Our thanksgiving for yesterday’s blessing qualifies us for today’s Mercies. 

Beloved in the Lord, let’s live a life of Gratitude so we may experience the everlasting presence of God in our lives and receive all the blessings He has in store for us.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask God to help every Believer to be more grateful so we can receive all the blessings He has in store for us. 

God bless you all.


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