Why We Fail To Show Gratitude


Date: 18.10.2021

By: Nana Adjoa Brasor-Kuffour

Title: Why We Fail To Show Gratitude


You may say to yourself,ย โ€œMy power and the strength of my handsย have produced this wealth for me.โ€ย But remember theย Lordย your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth,ย and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.

(Deuteronomy 8:17-18)


The Lord has done a lot for us and He expects that we give Him the gratitude He deserves. However, upon all that God has done for us, most people still fail to appreciate Him.Today, I would like to share some points I have learnt about ungrateful souls and explain to you why they live an ungrateful life.ย 

  1. They feel Entitled

Sometimes people behave as if your act of kindness is only a payment for whatโ€™s due to them. For example, whenever I buy gifts for some relatives or send them money, the next I would hear is โ€œcanโ€™t you add anything else or is that all you can do?โ€œ This is because these people think they deserve the gift and even more. If you look at the ten Lepers, the nine who didnโ€™t return were Jews, they might have also read about the miracles performed by the old Testament Prophets, and so they got familiar and made light of Godโ€™s Mercy. Familiarity breeds contempt! The other one didnโ€™t allow familiarity to prevent him from showing gratitude to God.

  1. They take all the credit

โ€ฆโ€™Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,โ€™ Says the LORD of hosts (Zech. 4:6).

Some people think that everything they have achieved in their lives was through their own effort; Jesus had nothing to do with it. When some successful men are interviewed, you hear them say that it was their own ideas, wisdom and hard work that brought them this far without giving any credit to God.

  1. They just move on.

Just like the nine lepers when they received Mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ and were healed, they took it for granted and moved on. Such people mostly have a short memory. When they get into a comfortable environment they tend to forget about where they are coming from and how they got there. Sadly, most of them only return when they experience another hardship and need another help. I once helped an unknown pregnant woman who needed help in buying some important drugs for the pregnancy. This lady in question took my number but never called to show any appreciation. After some time, I decided to check up on her. During our conversation, this lady never said thank you but rather asked me for another help.

  1. They are not satisfiedย 

Most people donโ€™t appreciate God when they didnโ€™t receive everything or exactly what they prayed for. Such people focus so much on their present situation that they forget to be grateful for the ones God accomplished for them. They canโ€™t pause to see the goodness of Godย  and thank Him for whatโ€™s already working for them.

  1. They donโ€™t understand the Grace and the Will of God.ย 

Joseph went through a lot before the dream concerning himself as ruler came to pass. He went through a lot of rejections, temptations and betrayal. Some of us in his position would have given up and even curse God but he didnโ€™t. In his betrayal he trusted God, in temptation he obeyed God ,and in rejection he kept his faith. Godโ€™s Grace and perfect will for us has always been for our good. You see, every setback Joseph experienced brought him closer to the Throne. When we understand the will of God concerning our lives, we will even show gratitude to God in times of Trial. Job is another example.

Beloved in the Lord, have you ever lived an ungrateful life? Could this be the story of your life? Choose to be grateful today. Count your blessings and name them one by one. Itโ€™s a healthy way of living.ย 

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Grace, Goodness and Mercies. Letโ€™s ask Him to help all Believers around the world to live a life of gratitude.ย 

God bless you all.


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