Walking of God

Call to Prayer

Title: Walking of God

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 20.10.202


And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

(John 17:22 KJV)


Weโ€™ve been given far more than we know in Christ. And as we enter the season for the closing of the ages, God is releasing new knowledge of Himself and the Inheritance of the saints to the church, which will lead to His children manifesting as Sons of God (Romans 8:19). With this known, we should always stay receptive to receive something new about Him.

The cross marked a transition into a new dispensation of manโ€™s relationship with God. Before the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, the highest attainment of man was to walk with God. We read of Enoch walking with God (Gen. 5:24), and Abraham being commanded by God to walk before Him (Gen. 17:1). For those before the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, they could only sense God in two areas: in heaven and with (or upon) them by the Holy Ghost. Because of this limitation, they could only relate to God as one outside of them. For us in Christ Jesus, we can be conscious of God being in us.

Christ being in us has a huge consequence, which is the ability to express His Glory (Col. 1:27). This has been His intention from the beginning, and the Lord Jesus took time to reveal the reality of this “then coming” mystery when He said the Holy Ghost will be in them (John 14:16). However, the clearest indicator of this will of God for man was when Jesus prayed for His disciples in John 17. In verse 22 of that Chapter, He revealed that He has given us His glory. When He gave us His glory, He gave us Himself, for the word Glory means all that God is and all that He has. The consequence of this is that, unlike Enoch and Abraham whose highest attainment was โ€˜Walking with Godโ€™, we can โ€˜Walk as Godsโ€™ on the earth. To understand this, consider this below.

Firstly, the bible declared that as He is, so are we in this world (1John 4:17). This means, the very attribute that God has in heaven, is the same He has given us to express on earth. Again, Jesus said He has given us His glory means that what we find in Him is what we have, for we are co-heirs of God with Him (Rom. 8:17). So as Jesus declared Himself to be the light of the world (John 8:12), we also are the light of the world (Matt. 5:14), and as He declared Himself to be the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25), we can express this glory of Him here on the earth. Furthermore, as Jesus told His disciples that seeing Him they were seeing The Father (John 14:9), we also can reveal The Father in like manner, that is, people can see the Father just by looking at us. We have been made one with the Lord, and as you cannot separate water from different cups when mixed, so we cannot be separated from the Lord. But this reality is only in our spirit, there are things we must do to make this reality to be seen outwardly.

As we renew our minds with the word of God by daily meditating on it, our thoughts and imaginations become like His (we will develop the mind of Christ), then we will find ourselves acting like Him and speaking like Him. Again, practices like prayer, fasting and other disciplines in the Kingdom helps the life of glory in our spirits to be seen outwardly. So when men see us, they donโ€™t need to ask where is God? for they will behold Him in us and through us. Being lost in Him, He is the one now living through us. So ours will not just be a life lived with God, but God living through us. As though God is walking on the earth, like He did in Jesus (Walking of God)

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for the word today. Letโ€™s also ask Him to enlighten the eyes of our understanding, so we can behold Him as He is, thereby we can be transformed into His image.


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