Make room for God

Call To Prayer

Title: Make room for God

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 28.10.2021


And it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said unto her son, Bring me yet a vessel. And he said unto her, There is not a vessel more. And the oil stayed. (2 Kings 4:6 KJV)


Our readiness to stretch ourselves is a key factor in our growth in the kingdom. Even when it seems inconvenient. Just like the physical growth, the spiritual growth is very important and it is in stages till we come to full maturity in Him. The physical growth requires food which contains vitamins and minerals, so also spiritual growth is hinged on special diets for it to manifest. Cut across every growth stage, prayers and the word remains the sustainer of the enlargement of our room for Him.

The major factor that engenders growth is love for God. When you genuinely love Him, you live in His light and the Holy Spirit will continually guide you in all things( John 16:13) thereby making you wise with the knowledge of God. The Bible said abide in me and I in you…. ( John 15:4). Are you genuinely in love with Him or just out to get what He has to offer? God desires your heart above all else and your willingness to lay it down will expand your room for Him. This is the first phase of growth that will lead to maturity.

Growth in the Spirit is also engendered through burdens or responsibility. As we grow, the room needs to be enlarged to accommodate our new size in Him. As children grow into teenagers in the home, they take on responsibilities as little as making their own bed when they wake up. So, in the kingdom it is the same. What burden are you carrying for the expansion of Godโ€™s kingdom and what responsibility have you taken on board. By serving him faithfully, you grow in the knowledge of Him as the Lord.

Growth is also attained through challenges (trials, temptations and tests). This may not be pleasant but when we see ahead that challenges are stepping stones to the next stage of Godโ€™s dealings with our lives, we wonโ€™t despair. Joseph faced serious challenges for a better part of his adult life but kept making room for God and kept growing even in his ordeal. In Genesis 37, he was just a dreamer but in Genesis 40, he was already interpreting dreams and this lead him to pharaoh where his destiny was fulfilled in God.

Prayer point
Letโ€™s thank Him for the word today. Letโ€™s ask Him for grace to make room for Him continually and bring us into maturity as we journey in the kingdom.

God bless you!


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God bless you all


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