Consistency and steadfastness in the Lord

Call to Prayer

Title: Consistency and steadfastness in the Lord

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 29.10.2021


‘Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;” (John 8:31)

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord”. (1 Cor 15:58)


Consistency with God is imperative in order for us to walk righteously with Him. Being consistent shows our genuine desire to dwell in His presence, and that develops routines and builds momentum. God requires consistency from us because He is ever faithful and consistent. In the scripture, we have notable great men and women like Abraham, Enoch, Noah, Moses, Elijah, Gideon, David, Esther, Deborah etc. who were impressive examples of constant relationship with God. The power of consistency and steadfastness with God cannot be overemphasized,ย  as it perfects man’s day to day engagements.

Even though God is good and kind, rich in understanding, extremely generous to all, we should not be like them who seek Him only when they have personal problems or expectations, earthly worries and anxieties, and when they eventually find their desires, they care less about Him thereby going into spiritual hibernation. We are to seek His face at all times. As fervent partakers of His divine nature, Brethren, we should not be just ‘fair weather Christians’. In fact, we should consult God in every of our affairs, in that regard, we stand to inherit the fullness of Him and get to the height He truly wants us to reach. There are several important ways to demonstrate our profound allegiance through consistency in the Lord,

  • We can do that through routine prayers by committing our lives into His hands
  • Frequent fellowship and worship
  • studying His word
  • Volunteering in the service of God in any capacity
  • Trusting in leadership of Christ
  • Submitting and listening to Holy spirit’s divine direction
  • Listening to His voice and practice obedience

Prayer point:

Let’s thank God today for His word. We should also ask Him to give us the grace in order to abide and be steadfast in Him. May His name be forever praised!


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God bless you all



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