Divine Celebration


By: Nana Adjoa Brasor-Kuffour

Date: 01.11.2021

Title: Divine Celebration


ย โ€œThen Hannah prayed: โ€œMy heart rejoices in the Lord! The Lord has made me strong. Now I have an answer for my enemies; I rejoice because you rescued me.โ€

(1 Samuel 2:1 NLT)


Itโ€™s not a pleasant thing to be in a state of mourning. No one hopes and prays for a day of mourning; for any situation that will bring pain, sorrow and sadness to the personโ€™s life and family. The loss of loved ones, pain and sadness have caused many to lose hope in God and turned to the wrong side of life. I personally know many people who went through a painful divorce and lost their Faith as a result. The pain was so unbearable for some of them to the extent that they took their own life. However, I also know a man of God who lost his children on their way for a Crusade, but he is still preaching powerfully today.

The opposite of sadness is rejoicing, being happy or celebration.ย  It is a good thing to have a cause to rejoice and celebrate. Everyone likes being around those rejoicing. We are all anticipating and looking forward to our day of celebration. The Lord wants us to rejoice at all times, both good and bad times (Phil. 4:4). We rejoice in good times and praise the Lord for His goodness. We also rejoice in times of trials and thank God for the privilege to go through such trials, knowing that they strengthen our Faith and build a Character in us and the Lord will also reward us for enduring those difficult times. Most importantly, we know that the lord will cause all things to work for pour good (Rom. 8:28).

If you are single, the day of celebration you are looking forward to is the day of your wedding. For married couples who havenโ€™t yet had a child, the day of celebration they are believing God for is the day they will be blessed with a child. The day of celebration a student is looking forward to is the day he or she will graduate, and the day of celebration of a Graduate is to get a Job or start his or her own company.

We all have different reasons to celebrate. God wants all of us to have a divine celebration.ย  While we are all waiting to have a divine celebration or expecting our day or season of celebration, we must understand that not every kind of Celebration that is acceptable by God. The Lord is not pleased with every celebration. In Exodus 32, the Israelites were celebrating, feasting, and drinking, but immediately after that celebration, thousands of them died because God wasnโ€™t pleased with their celebration. Clearly, that wasnโ€™t a Celebration that brought honor to God; it wasnโ€™t a divine celebration.

In 1 Samuel 2:1-2 Hannah was rejoicing, celebrating, and testifying of the goodness of God in her life. Hannah had entered a season of celebration because the Lord had blessed her with a Child after being married for a long time without a fruit of the Womb.

Beloved in the Lord, letโ€™s therefore have a Celebration that will make people testify that we are surely serving a Living God. This will help draw many to Christ and such Celebrations will fill your life and family with Joy and Peace.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask God to help all Believers to rejoice at all times and have divine Celebrations. Letโ€™s also ask God to strengthen all Believers to endure Trials and cause all things to work for our good.


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God bless you all





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