Call to Prayer


By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 19.01.2024


โ€œAnd as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:โ€ (Hebrews 9:27)


Eternity is a continued future experience after death/rapture that must be experienced by every human being,ย  it is often referred to as a timeless event, or the state of that which is held to have beginning but no end. God originally created man with His attribute to live and dominate forever, unfortunately, man fell short of God’s glory and expectation. Nevertheless, God in His infinite provision, arranged a way of escape and restoration for all mankind through His son Jesus Christ, “that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16). The Bible has revealed to us severally, that eternity is real!! This is a time without an end; there is no time concept on Earth that can accurately determine the length of eternity. Let’s just assume that a rope is connected from the ground up to the sky and a slow ant walks on it till the end of the rope, the time the ant will spend in order to reach the sky is but a tiny portion of eternity.

The Holy Bible made us understand that there are only two abodes (destination) to spend eternity, the narrow way (Heaven) that leads to eternal joy and endless happiness, while the other is a broad way (Hell) which leads to eternal damnation, untold suffering, pains and agony. In fact, Jesus abundantly made it clear that eternity is more than real. The world lives recklessly without the consciousness of the very important self or collective question which is “where to spend eternity“. The moment a man closes his eyes in physical death, his destination for eternity has began and has been decided based on the life he lived on Earth. Those who live by grace in Christ and have abided in Him continually till the end shall be saved. However, the abominable, the unbelievers and those who don’t accept Christ, the Bible made it also clear about their reward (Revelation 21:8)

Our life on Earth is but a season, the essence of our existence here on Earth is for eternity. If Christ tarries, we shall all go and meet the creator. Dear beloved, eternity is too long a time to be taken for granted, the Lord is reminding us once again that He is ever faithful and as we firmly remain in Him, He has given us assurance that He has gone to prepare a place for us. I pray that God grants us the enablement to live daily with the view and consciousness of eternity.


Prayer point:

Let’s appreciate God for the word today. Let’s ask Him to make us live a a genuine life through grace to be constantly abiding in Him so that when our time comes we shall be found in Him.

Repost from: 19.11.2021


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