The season of Divine Celebration (Part 3)


By: Nana Adjoa Brasor-Kuffour

Date: 22.11.2021

Title: The season of Divine Celebration (Part 3)


โ€œThe sick man answered Him, โ€œSir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up; but while I am coming, another steps down before me.โ€โ€

(John 5:7 NKJV)


Today I would like to talk about the third thing that takes us into the season of Divine Celebration: Not allowing Miracles and Blessings to bypass you.

We should know that there are powers and forces that hinders us from receiving the blessings and miracles which are meant for us; they cause our blessings to bypass us. In John 5, there was a man who was blocked of his blessings until he met Jesus. This man said that just as he is about to enter the water and receive his healing, someone would go ahead of him and he would miss his opportunity to be healed (John 5:7). Many of us have come so close to our breakthrough, but the moment we get too close to receive the miracle, so close to be healed, so close to receiving the contract, something would happen, and it bypasses us. Instead of us, these Blessings rather goes to another.

The difference between people whose situations are like Hannahโ€™s former state and this manโ€™s situation is that they never got close to seeing the miracle and blessing before them. These people donโ€™t know what it feels like to be in a relationship and just as you are about to get married, something happens, and the Ceremony is called off. Those in Hannahโ€™s predicament never got a chance to see their miracle before them but their blessings were shut down (1 Samuel 1:6). Their pain was, not seeing their blessings happen.

However, the pain of the man at the pool and others in this kind of situation is being so close to your breakthrough and just as it is about to be delivered into your hand, it bypasses you. Imagine being so close to receiving that healing or deliverance and then something happens, and your blessings divert.

The Bible tells us that Jesus turned this manโ€™s life around the moment He stepped in. This makes us understand that the moment the Almighty God steps into our situation nothing remains the same. The mere presence of Jesus on the scene that day, was impossible for the manโ€™s healing to pass over his head. All hindrances gave way the moment Jesus was around him.

Beloved in the Lord, Jesus Christ wants to stop every strongholds, hindrances, evil powers, and forces that are making all your blessings bypass you. For all this to stop we need to always ask His presence to always follow or be with us. I pray today, that the Lord Jesus will personally show up for you and deliver unto you all the Blessings and Miracles that have been bypassing you so that you may enter your season of Divine Celebration today, Amen!

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask God to help Believers to receive all the Blessings and Miracles He has in store for us.

God bless you all.


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