The promise of the Father

Call to prayer

Title: The promise of the Father

By: Michael Ntow

Date: 30/11/21

. . . wait for the promise of the Father . . .
ACTS 1:4

The final manifestation of the glory of the Son was that which was given on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was sent down upon the infant church gathered together at Jerusalem. That is the final proof of the fact that Jesus of Nazareth is the only begotten Son of God. The Scripture talks about โ€œthe promise of the Father.โ€ The Father had promised the children of Israel in the old dispensation that He would send His Spirit.

He keeps on saying that He is going to make a new covenant with them, that the day is coming when He will take out their stony heart, give them a heart of flesh, and pour out His Spirit upon them. That is the thing to which they were looking forward, and in a sense the work of the Messiah, the Deliverer, the Savior, was to send this promise of the Father. And this is the very thing that happened on the Day of Pentecost when the Lord Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit.

Now in one place the Scripture tells us that the Lord Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit, and in another place it tells us that God the Father sent the Spirit after listening to the prayer of His Son. But it is the same thing, since the Spirit proceeds from the Father and from the Son. What I particularly want to emphasize is that โ€œthese wordsโ€ of John 17:1 refer to the words that are recorded in chapters 14, 15, and 16 of Johnโ€™s Gospel, which all have to do with this promise of the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Our Lord began to speak about this in chapter 14. He found that the disciples were crest- fallen because He said that He was going to leave them. So He told them that He would give them another Comforter (14:16-17). Then He proceeded to teach them about the coming of the Holy Spirit.


A thought to ponderย 

The final manifestation of the glory of the Son was given on the Day of Pentecost.

Prayer point

Let us pray that God will empower His church with His Spirit and power for all to see that indeed Jesus is the only way , truth and the life.

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God bless you all.





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