Honour thy parents


Title: Honour thy parents

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Date: 11/12/2021


ย Perhaps my father will feel me, and I shall seem to be a deceiver to him, and I shall bring a curse on myself and not a blessing Genesis 27:12ย 


Recognising the principles in the word of God and the power that backs them is critical to a blessed life. One of these principles is the need for children to honour their parents (Exodus 20:12). There are blessings in doing so and also curses in disrespecting the elderly. There was a time a friend and I ย were walking to lectures during our undergraduate studies, and we came across a young boy fighting his Mum. I nearly stepped in to discipline the boy, but I was pulled back by my friend.

We live in a generation where respect for the elderly is almost lost. However, the Bible does not lie, and evidence suggests that the words of parents can have lifetime impacts on the lives of their children. When I look at people who ignorantly talk to and treat their parents anyhow, I get scared for them. In one of his sermons, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams narrated how the words of his Mum caused one of his sisters to experience extreme difficulty during childbirth because the sister was always in fights with the Mum.

Irrespective of who your parents are and what they have done, you have no right to disrespect them. You attract curses upon your life when you do so. When Ham disrespected Noah, his father, by mocking his nakedness, even in Noahโ€™s drunk state, Ham attracted curses for his children (Genesis 9:20-25).

Jacob, as a young man knew this principle. Though there was the potential of a lifetime blessing in what his mother wanted him to do. However, he did not lose sight that it can also turn out to be a lifetime curse. We live in a generation where children talk to parents anyhow, even to the extent of physically fighting parents. May God have mercy upon our generation. Though the Bible emphasised that in the last days, children will be disobedient to parents (2nd Timothy 3:2), nevertheless, the principles of God have not changed. If you seek to live longer, then endeavour to honour your parents, both biological and spiritual, and all elderly people. May God help us!


Let us thank God for His word and the answers to our prayers. Let us pray for the grace to do as the Bible teaches and give honour to our parents or all those honour is due so that we can prolong our lives on this earth.


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