The fear of God


Date: 18/12/2021

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Title โ€“ The fear of God


ย He was afraid and said, ‘How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven. – Genesis 28:17ย 


Fear can produce so many things in an individual. Fear can evoke both positive and negative reactions. In the face of fear, you either react or relax. In todayโ€™s devotional message, we would want to consider what the fear of God can produce in people. In Genesis 3:10, we read that Adam hid from God because he was afraid of God. Adamโ€™s fear led to separation and hiding.

In our verse for today, Jacob was afraid when he woke up from sleep and the dream he had. However, unlike Adam, Jacobโ€™s fear brought him the understanding that God was in that place, and he called the place the house of God and the gate of heaven. Also, this led Jacob to make a covenant with God for protection on his journey. Thus, fear brought understanding to Jacob and brought him closer to God.

The question for today is, what does the fear of God evoke in you? Does it make you distance yourself from God, or it draws you closer to God? Adam hid from God because he knew he had sinned, but Jacob drew closer because he understood that he could get something from God. Often people say that fear of God is not good, but this is not true. The fear of God that leads to obedience to and communion with God is the fear the children of God should have. I pray that the fear of God would grant you an understanding of Him rather than separation from Him. Whatever the situation may be, no matter your sin and how afraid you are of Godโ€™s judgement, draw closer to Him, and you will find grace and mercy in time of need.


Let us thank God for His word and the answers to our prayers. Let us pray that the fear of God will produce a yearning and desire to get closer to Him.


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