A Fisher of Men


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 19.12.2021

Title: A Fisher of Men


Then He said to them, โ€œFollow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.โ€

(Matthew 4:19 NKJV)


In the first encounter of our Lord Jesus with Simon Peter and the sons of Zebedee (James and John), He revealed the plans He had for them and gave them a new Life Purpose. I believe this is the same thing the Lord plans to do to everyone who comes to Christ. When the Lord Jesus met Simon Peter, James, and John, they were fishermen who have toiled the whole night without catching any Fish. The Lord then asked Peter to go to where it is deeper and let down his nets to catch some fish. Peter obeyed and did as the Lord asked, and they caught a lot of Fish. The Lord Jesus later asked them to follow Him, and He will make them fishers of men.

These are men who have been fishing all their Life and in a single encounter with our Lord Jesus, He changed their Life. Beloved in the Lord, the Lord wants to save you, change your life, give you a new Life purpose and use you mightily for His Glory. He wants to use you to draw many people from the Kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of light. He wants to use you to save many people and bring them to the knowledge of the truth. It doesnโ€™t matter who you are, your family background, your skin color, your financial status and what you have done in the past, the Lord can and is willing to use you.

When our Lord Jesus was crucified, Peter and some of the disciples went back fishing and they caught nothing throughout the whole night (John 21). What surprised me most is that the Lord was not angry with them when He met them at the Shore. He even helped them to catch some Fish, ate with them and later reminded Peter of his Life Purpose. Maybe you are already a Believer who has made some mistakes and the evil one is playing with your mind that the Lord is angry with you. Donโ€™t worry! I want you to know that the Lord still loves you, and He is ready to forgive you when you confess, welcome you, and use you powerfully for His Glory.

Also, the Lord Jesus knew who will help transform their lives completely to become fishers of men. He knew the Power of the Holy Spirit will make a difference in their lives (Acts 1:8). When the Disciples were baptized with the Holy Spirit, they were empowered just as the Lord promised. Peter was then empowered, and he preached powerfully with a lot of boldness and deep Revelations. On that day, his net was able to catch about 3,000 People for Christ (Acts 2).

The Holy Spirit gives us the Power to become fishers of men. He empowers us to live a godly life full of peace and love, and also preach the Gospel of Christ which is the Power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes. It is very important to know that the Lord may sometimes change your Profession completely as He did to Peter or He will ask you to remain in your Profession and use it as a means to draw many people to Him.

Beloved in the Lord, the Lord desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. Due to this, He wants to save you, change your life, give you a new Life purpose and use you mightily for His Glory. He plans to make you a fisher of men, meaning that He wants to use you to draw many to Christ. One of the reasons why the Lord gave us His Holy Spirit is to help us achieve this purpose.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask God to reveal His purpose to every member in the body of Christ. Letโ€™s also ask Him to empower us to become fishers of men.

God bless you all.


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