The equipping grace


Date: 01/01/2022

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Title: The equipping grace

ย But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain, but I laboured more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of Godย which wasย with me.

1 Corinthians 15:10

There are times that we watch what people have accomplished or what they can do, and we ask ourselves; how do/did they do it? There are so many things that we can think of: inventions such as planes, cars, computers, etc, successful businesses such as Amazon, and the rest, just to mention a few. These are all ideas that were conceived by people that sometimes make humans marvel. One thing that is common among all these is that they came as ideas and through work, they became a success. However, it is good to clarify that I have not heard any of these inventors attribute the source of the idea to God.ย 

In todayโ€™s Call to Prayer, I will consider this special human ability from the perspective of one of the most powerful Bible personalities in the person of Apostle Paul. Apostle Paul wrote 13 books of the New Testament, more than any other author, and planted many churches in various places. Apart from Jesus Christโ€™s ministry, arguably, Apostle Paulโ€™s ministry can be ranked as most impactful in Biblical history. He worked so much that people even consider him greater than the Apostles who walked physically with Jesus Christ when he was on earth.

So how did he do it? In our verse for today, Apostle Paul gives us the answer to this question. It was not luck, it was not just hard work, it was not intelligence, it was not a favourable location, it was not a wealthy family or good upbringing, it was not the best schools he attended, but it was the grace of God. It was the grace of God that equipped him to do all that he did.ย 

In the phase of adversity and persecution, he did not relent. In times of trials and tribulations, he persevered and was still joyful in doing the work of God. He faced death several times, yet he survived. One thing we often do not realise as believers is that Godโ€™s grace is all in all. It does not help you in one situation and leaves you in a different situation. Godโ€™s grace is all-encompassing. It is sufficient in all circumstances.ย 

As today marks the beginning of a new year, I want to draw our attention to the fact that Godโ€™s grace is all we need to survive and thrive this year. Godโ€™s grace is an equipping grace for all seasons and all circumstances. It is sufficient for the believer in all circumstances and as complete as the One from whom it came. This year, believe that you can do all things through the equipping and complete grace of God.

Happy New Year!

Prayer: Let us thank God for His word today and the answers to all our prayers last year. Let us pray for understanding into the sufficiency and equipping grace of God.ย 

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