The New Stream


Title:ย The New Stream

By:ย ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 05.12.2022


Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle? Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst, but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

(Joh 4:12-14 KJV)


In the past decade, they have been a rise of many prophetic voices in the body of Christ. They have been a blessing to the body. And by them, God has given direction and revelation of His mind to the body of Christ. Despite the impact of these prophetic voices, the Lord is calling the body to spiritual maturity, where each one is able to recognize the voice of God and not depend on the manifestation of a gift.

The communication between Jesus Christ and the Samaritan woman gave a revelation of two streams of the prophetic that exists. Jacobโ€™s well symbolizes the Prophetic that is based on the Old Covenant, which is the old stream. While the water Jesus promised to give her symbolizes the prophetic that is based on the New Covenant, the New Stream. In the Old Stream, you draw from a well that is external, but the new stream flows from a river that is within you.ย 

From the creation story, the first time God communicated with a man from outside himself was at his fall, where it was recorded that Adam and Eve heard the voice of God walking in the Garden (Gen. 3:8). Before his fall, manโ€™s spirit was joined to God, therefore, He had access to His mind. But by his fall, he was severed from God, which is spiritual death. So, the fall of man was what made the ministry of the Prophet necessary, for God was eager to communicate with man. At the coming of Jesus Christ and by what He did at the Cross of Calvary, we all who believe have been restored back to being one with God (John 17:21).

Since there is a change of covenants, and man has been restored back to God, thereโ€™s, therefore, a change of the way in which God communicates with man. This was clearly affirmed by the writer of Hebrew, when he wroteย โ€œGod, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathersย by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto usย by his Sonโ€ฆ. (Heb 1:1-2 KJV)โ€.ย The Ministry of the Prophet is different from the Ministry of the Son. The Ministry of Prophet is based on dreams, visions and other prophetic manifestations, but the ministry of the Son is simply based on the understanding of the word (The Logos), for Jesus Christ, who is the son, is the Word of God. What this means is that our first resolve for decision making must be the word of God, and every other manifestation of the Prophetic (Dreams, Visions, and prophetic declarations) must be judged and interpreted based on the understanding of the New Covenant.

When the disciples asked Jesus Christ to tell them how they will know the time of His coming, Jesus Christ never mentioned any prophetic manifestation as a means by which He will communicate, but referred them to the understanding of the fulfilment of scriptural promises (Matt. 24:15).

God will still give dreams and visions, and He will still speak through the manifestation of the gift of Prophecy. But those with the knowledge of His mind (will), are those who will do exploit and walk in all ways pleasing to Him (Daniel 11:32, Col. 1:9).

Prayer Point

Let us thank God for His word today. Let us ask Him to help us grow in our understanding of His word, so we may be able to discern His voice.


God bless us all

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