The Holy Spirit applies God’s Word

Call to Prayer

Title: The Holy Spirit applies God’s Word

By: Michale Ntow

Date: 11/01/2022

When he is come, he will reprove the world of sin
JOHN 16:8

The Holy Spirit not only reveals Christ, He also applies His Word, which convicts us of sin. I have met people who said to me, “I do not understand this teaching about sin. I do not feel I am a sinner.” Well, if you do not feel you are a sinner, it is simply because you do not know yourself, and you do not know yourself because the Holy Spirit has not convicted you.

Some of the best people who have ever trodden this earth have been those who have been most conscious of their sinfulness. I cannot imagine a worse state for anybody to be in than for him or her to say he or she does not feel he or she is a sinner. The Holy Spirit convicts and convinces of sin, and if He has not done it for you, if you value your own soul, ask Him to do it.

Christ came to die for sinners, not for the righteous, and the first work of the Spirit is to convict of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. We come to Christ for salvation after the Spirit has convinced us of sin, because the Lord Jesus Christ is the answer to our need.

The Holy Spirit then gives us assurance of our acceptance and our forgiveness. He is a seal given to us to show that we belong to God. He testifies with our spirits that we are the children of God. No Christian has a right to be uncertain about his or her salvation; the Holy Spirit has been given in order that we might be certain, for “the Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God” (Romans 8:16). If any Christian who is reading this is uncertain or is lacking in assurance and in happiness, let me urge this upon you, ask for the gift of the Spirit in His fullness, ask for this blessed assurance, tell God you long for it, do not give yourself rest or peace, and in a sense do not give God rest or peace until you have it.

A thought to ponder
No Christian has a right to be uncertain about his or her salvation.

Prayer point

Let’s ask God for the blessed assurance of the sweet gift of the Spirit in His fullness that we will be conscious to live for Him.

God bless us all

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