The Voice of God

By:ย ย Daniel Peter


And they heardย the voice of the LORD God walkingย in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.

(Gen 3:8 KJV)


Man holds a unique position in all of Godโ€™s creation. Of all God created, it was just man that He gifted with His image and likeness, sharing the same essence with him. His reason for doing this is because He created man for relationship with Him, which will lead to Him being known by His creation. For this reason, He befriends Man and visits him, unlike His other creation (Psalm 8:4-6).

For any relationship to flourish, there should be communication between both parties involved. By his fall due to disobedience, the structure of man changed from being spiritual to carnal. God is essentially Spirit, and He is light (1 John 1:5), whereas Man became essentially flesh (Gen. 6:3), for his spirit became dead (separation from God) due to his fall. But Godโ€™s purpose cannot be thwarted (Job 42:2), meaning, God had to come up with a way to communicate with Man for His intention for him to still be fulfilled (relationship with God). The means of communication He chose was the use was of His Voice. The first mention in the Bible of God using His Voice to communicate was after the fall of Adam. This is despite there have been communications from Him to Adam before then.

Many times in the bible, earthly things are used to describe heavenly realities. God does this to help us understand. But heaven is a different civilization to earth, meaning, its realities must be studied or investigated differently without the earthly limitation. With this known, the manifestation of the Voice of God did not come as a sound or audio as we know on earth but was discerned to be a person for He was heard walking in the garden (Gen. 3:8). We see how the coming of the Voice of God brought the Word of God to Adam and Eve. There is a difference between a voice and a word. In the context of the Kingdom, the Voice of God is a means by which Godโ€™s Word comes to us. Take the Voice of God as the vehicle Godโ€™s Word travels with to us.

The Voice of God comes to us in different forms. For Adam and Eve, it was discerned as a person walking. For Job, it came as a whirlwind (Job 38:1). For Zechariah, it was a structure of a lampstand and olive trees (Zech. 4:2-6). At a point in Jesusโ€™ ministry, it came like thunder from heaven which the people heard (John 12: 28-30). Other forms the Voice of God exists include the Bible, circumstances, parables, allegories, dreams, visions (both audio and visuals), prophetic declarations etc. It should be noted that because you have heard or discerned the Voice of God, It doesnโ€™t mean you have received His Word. You have received His Word only when you have understood what He is saying by the voice, that is, the means He chooses to communicate. The word of God is Jesus Christ, and He is life-giving.

By meditation and prayer (which is best accompanied by fasting), The Holy Spirit helps us gain an understanding of what God is saying by His Voice.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Let us also ask Him to give the body of Christ the Grace to understand Him in every form He speaks.ย  ย 


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