Because He forgave


Title:ย Because He forgave

By:ย ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 02.01.2021


And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling,ย that speaketh better things than that of Abel.ย 

(Hebrews 12:24)


Godโ€™s glory is revealed by all His works, for as we consider them, His eternal attributes are seen (Rom. 1:20). The power of His Word was seen when He calledย forthย what be not as though they wereย (Rom. 4:17). His forbearance and judgment were revealed when He waited as Noah built the ark before sending the flood that destroyed the old world due to increased wickedness (1 Peter 3:20). The scripture is replete with Godโ€™s exploits, but which of them is His greatest?

At the revelation of His glory to Moses, who was one God performed a lot of Miracles with, all the attributes of Himself that He declared to him were related to His character (Exo. 34:5-7), among which was that He was merciful, forgiving, and gracious etc. Unlike the other acts of His power, these attributes of Him was not known by His creation until His redemption of mankind. The fall of mankind gave God an opportunity to demonstrate the power of His love, which is the fullness of His glory, in a way creation has not witnessed before.ย 

The sum of Jesusโ€™ coming was to reveal the Father, which was to help us conform to the same image even as we behold Him (2 Cor. 3:18). The glory of God which Moses saw and was declared to him was laid bare for the world to see at the cross of Calvary. On the cross was the compassion of God, His Mercy, His forgiveness and all that He declared Himself to be to Moses. The redemption of man is Godโ€™s greatest achievement, and by it, God can be fully known.

One of the things the cross revealed of God is the power of forgiveness. Jesus Christ was not the first righteous man that was killed. Abel, who was killed by his brother Cain, was said to be righteous (Gen. 4:1-2). The Bible witnesses that at His death, Abelโ€™s blood was crying for judgment against Cain, and judging the wicked is considered righteous before God (2 Thess. 1:6). The supremacy of Jesus over righteous Abel was that He is good. And He expressed that goodness by forgiving those who killed him (Luke 23:34). The fact that Jesus Christ forgave is the reason His blood can save, and this is the reason His blood speaks better things than that of Abel.

We are saved because He chose to forgive, we too should express His forgiveness to those who have offended us. This was the path Stephen chose, who forgave those who killed him. And his forgiveness allowed Apostle Paul to be saved (Acts.7:59-60). We manifest Godโ€™s glory when we forgive.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let us ask Him to help the body of Christ to manifest His glory.


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