Title: Let the Tares Grow Among You.

By:ย Funmi Akinleye

Date: 03/02/2022

Have you ever obeyed an instruction to plant or build something and while youโ€™re still laying the foundation, you notice a threat to the quality of your assignment and you begin to wonder if you heard God right in the first place? While you labour to plant and establish your Kingdom business or ministry on the righteous foundation of Christ, the enemy plants his own agenda right within your midst. No, you didnโ€™t miss anything. You prayed and covered your business/ministry enough. The only thing you did to deserve that โ€˜problemโ€™, is, you started. Once you start to build that which God has called you to build for His Kingdom, the enemy plants some tares in your midst immediately. The spirit of offence or the spirit of Jezebel will start to spring up as you establish your Kingdom assignment. You see, the activation of Godโ€™s mission in your life is the activation of the enemyโ€™s purpose too. The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy so once there is something that can be destroyed, the enemyโ€™s plan is activated. Unlike we Christians, the enemy does not sleep on his purpose in life. So let me start by saying, donโ€™t be so hard on yourself when you notice the tares.

But what do you do when this happens?ย 

Jesus tells us inย Matthew 13:24ย about the parable of the Wheat and Tares. The first thing to do is to examine the situation and determine the cause.ย Proverbs 10:23ย teaches us that understanding gives you wisdom. We make unfounded and terribly bad decisions when we act without understanding the cause of the problem. The man who planted the wheat responded to his servant, โ€˜an enemy has done this.โ€™ Determining the cause gives you perspective and the capacity to calculate your next move wisely. Sometimes, however, the enemy is yourself. Planting seeds the Lord did not instruct you to plant within the field He has given you, or planting seeds as an emotional response instead of taking instructions from the King that rules the Kingdom, could introduce tares into your field. Understanding what went wrong will give you the right perspective to execute a wise decision.


Next, you have to accept that when you start to establish and the enemy plants his own agenda in your midst, it is not your fault. Thereโ€™s no better person for the job or the Lord wouldnโ€™t put the treasures into your hands. The Lord allowed it there. Yes, the Lord allowed the enemy do his thing, circumvent the will of God. Consider the wisdom of the planter in Matthew 13:24. He said โ€˜Let them grow together until the time of harvestโ€™ We are usually too quick to remove anything that seems like the opposite of Godโ€™s plan. But Jesus Himself says the Kingdom of God is like this Parable of the Wheat and the Tares. There is a right time to uproot and destroy. Doing so prematurely can cause a spread of the spirit the enemy has planted, leading to loss of other members of the ministry or business- just as the enemy planned.ย 

So let them both grow until the harvest, until the day of maturity, and on that day, โ€˜say to the reapers, โ€œFirst gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.โ€โ€™(Matt.13:30) Jesus, explaining the point of waiting until the day of harvest in vs 41, says, โ€œTherefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of this age. The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend โ€ฆ then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.โ€

Similarly, Jesus drives home the point of waiting for the day of maturity by reiterating the same wisdom in the Parable of the Dragnet in verse 47. The dragnet was put to its use and it gathered sea creatures of every kind. They waited till it was full and pulled it to shore, before sorting out the bad sea creatures from the good. You can imagine if they started to sort right in the middle of the sea while they were casting the net. Some of the good fish they caught would have jumped right back into the ocean and they will be back to where they started from-trying to catch some good fish.ย 

Therefore, do not be in a hurry to fix what appears to be wrong. Understand the cause and apply wisdom in resolving the situation. Wait until the day of maturity before you uproot the tares.ย 


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