There’s still hope for you

Call to Prayer

Title: There’s still hope for you

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 09.02.2022


So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.

Matthew 20:16 (KJV)


Apart from being the creator, God has intimate knowledge about the beings, humans, that He created. Despite the obvious nature of this truth, I say this because apart from the absolute knowledge He has about all things as God, He gained experiential knowledge on the life of a man by becoming a man Himself in Jesus Christ. Because of this, He can feel with our weaknesses (Heb. 4:15). Being fully aware of how discouraging the trials and tribulations of life may bring, He has given the scriptures, wherein are stories that will inspire hope and the faith to believe God for a change of circumstances. 

One of such stories is that told by our Lord in Matthew 20:1-16. In that story, we saw how some workers were hired at different times of the day. Though much attention has been given to the length of time they worked and the pay they received, the true encouragement of the story is revealed when we consider how much a time the workers who were hired last waited, in hope, until the good Landowner hired them. Just imagine the feeling of rejection those who were hired last felt as others were preferred before them. Many people are in that situation today, where it seems as though those they started with have gone ahead of them. The feeling of discouragement must have set in, and you may be considering giving up. But I am here to tell you do not give up, there is still hope for you, only believe.

The life of every child of God has been predetermined by God (Rom. 8:29). And as long as you are in fellowship with Him and obeying His voice, the very position you are in life is His will for you, and there is a reason He has you there. One of them is that the fact you are last now is because God has chosen you to be first. The first position is a leadership position. The people God exalts to the position of first are those who have proven themselves faithful while being last, or in the least position. This is best exemplified by the life of Joseph, who was ordained by God to be a leader (a prime minister) in Egypt. Before God exalted him to that position, he was first a slave and a prisoner in Egypt (the last position). Imagine how much Joseph must have been despised before his exaltation.

The reason God does this is so that He can work in our character. Virtues such as patience, forbearance, a heart of mercy and compassion etc are formed during the time of trials; at the time of the long waiting. Only one with these can be a good leader.

Another encouraging fact is that your time of waiting is not without reward, for the workers who came at the last hour were paid the same amount as those who were in the vineyard from the first hour (Mat. 20:12). This reward can only come to you when you wait till the end, for the workers that were hired last were still there waiting. 

Therefore, never give up. For the Landowner, who is our God, is still good today.

Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for His word today. Let us also ask Him to help us endure till the very end, even as we wait for Him.


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