Invest in yourslef


Date: 12/02/2022

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Title โ€“ Invest in yourself


2 Timothy 2:15 – ย Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.


It has become increasingly clear that the value of personal investment is paramount to the success of a believer, especially in our era. Godโ€™s investment in our lives is His grace and His gifts, and this is the greatest of all investments. However, evidence points to the fact that the successful utilisation of Godโ€™s grace and gifts, and even the understanding of them is tied to a greater extent to personal investment. Personal investment in terms of knowledge, discipline and effort, financial advancement, among others. In todayโ€™s Call to Prayer, I will refer to personal investment in terms of seeking knowledge or being educated.

With particular reference to today’s verse, Apostle Paul, one of the most learned people in the Bible, admonishes Timothy, his son, to study, for three main benefits: to show himself approved, to be a workman that needs not be ashamed, and to be able to rightly divide the truth. Now, focusing on the third benefit, it can hardly be contested that ability to accurately understand the word of God has everything to do with some level of educational know-how, though the source is the Holy Spirit. The leaders of the ministries of our time that are flourishing are those that are well educated.

Apostle Paul understood the importance of knowledge, he was learned. During his various trials, he would sometimes present himself as a Jew and other times as a Roman. That was not cunning, it was being learned. I believe Paul’s ability to accurately understand the grace of God and numerous books he wrote thereof in the New Testament was because he was learned. This lesson, I believe, was what he wanted to pass on to Timothy.

As we read this message, we should be careful not to undermine the role of the Holy Spirit in understanding the truth of God’s word, that notwithstanding, learning is also essential. Beloved, being privileged enough to be educated is a blessing in itself. For we know that the Bible was written in Hebrew and Greek, and knowledge of this helps to go to the roots of certain words to have better meanings. If we are seeking to be children of God that stand for the truth and accurately defend the truth, we should study and study enough, for the deception in this world is great. Invest in yourself by seeking knowledge, both of the truth and of how things work in the world. Even, the ability to understand that people are different and need to be managed differently is tied to the success of a ministry. God’s gifts are perfect in themselves, however, they blossom more when the person to whom it has been given learns more about the world in which the gifts will be used. May we be blessed today!


Let us thank God for His word today and the answers to all our prayers. Let us pray for an understanding and a teachable heart to be able to learn the things we need for successful lives and ministries.


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