All through scriptures, we see that God has always been in search of a man in a world of men. What exactly in a man is God looking for? And why is it important?


Letโ€™s consider the below verse of scripture to gain this understanding;


And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his arm brought salvation unto him; and his righteousness, it sustained him.

(Isa 59:16 KJV)


The interplay of the words โ€˜man and intercessorโ€™ suggests that the man God is in search for is the man that intercedes. Knowing this, it is good to also note that Godโ€™s response to the lack of a man (or an intercessor) was the creation of a new race of men, for the salvation that His Arm (Jesus) brought was linked to the new creation. He intended that this new race of men (Christians) will be able to fulfil their roles on earth.


I will share an encounter God granted me to help us to understand this mystery. After spending time with God in prayer and word study, I decided to go back to bed. Not long after I closed my eyes, I found myself in an environment similar to the Garden of Eden. I saw animals walking in their groups, and I discerned the voice of the Holy Spirit saying to me โ€˜Man was to bring order (in the Garden)โ€™.


And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.

(Gen 2:5 KJV)


The manifestations of some of what God created in Genesis chapter 1 came only after Man was formed because he was to bring order. He was to carry out this function in cooperation with God. After the fall of Man, there was disorder in the world. This disorder can be seen in the rebelling of the animals, the corruption in the world, the killings, the betrayals, disasters and diseases in the world today. Truly, the whole world has been out of course ever since then.


By the new creation, we have been made the solution to the worldโ€™s problem. And we can carry-out this function when we intercede. By intercession, we are bringing order to a world of chaos and we are aligning ourselves as instruments of His use. This is what happens each time we spend time interceding for souls to be saved and for the will of God to be done on the earth.


God expects that we should be faithful in the place of prayers and we should do it joyfully, for only then can we have the rewards of our service. It is God we are serving, not man.


Lastly, if there be a need for God to search for a man again, will you be found? I am assured that the answer will be yes.


For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.

(Rom 8:19 KJV)


God bless you all.


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