Spiritual Sight


Title: Spiritual Sight

By:ย ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 02.03.2022


For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But he thatย lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. (2Pe 1:8-9 KJV)ย 


I have had the privilege to have encountered saints (both living and dead) in the spirit. Many times The Holy Spirit chooses this method to teach us mysteries of the Kingdom. In one of those encounters, He chose to use a very well-known Prophet who is based in America to remind me of something I had earlier pondered on. When he came to me in my sleep to teach me what I desired to know, I noticed he was blind. This is one that is considered very deep in the prophetic, as he can say things about you and your future that you do not previously know.

Spiritual sight is not dreams and visions as many people think it is, but insight into the mind of God as it relates to His plans for humanity, which is understanding. Understanding is the eyes of the spirit (Eph. 1:18), and it is what is needed to manifests as sons. I once asked someone, how do you think God makes decisions? Does God have to sleep to dream, or wait to see a vision before He knows what is right to do? Obviously, the answer is no, for from whom will the dream come? And whose voice should He wait to hear?

To manifest as sons, we need to think and act like God, for we share oneness with Him. This can only be when we have His mind. Potentially, every believer has received His mind virtue of our salvation, for it was said in scriptures that we have the mind of Christ (1Cor. 2:16). But the extent to our manifestation of His mind is dependent on how much of His mind we know (knowledge of the word). What then are dreams, visions, and other prophetic manifestations for? There are to help us know what to do because of our weaknesses, but not the foundation on which we build our lives. What I mean is this, because it takes time to develop the mind of Christ, for you have to do a lot of meditating on and listening to the word, such manifestation may impart the knowledge we need for now to us, but depending on it will limit the development of the mind of Christ in us, and incapacitate us in manifesting as sons of God (as gods on earth).

Yes, those who are led by the spirit are the sons of God (Rom. 8:14).ย However, to be led doesnโ€™t necessarily mean to act after you see a vision or hear a voice, but do His will (the word) which is discerned by His mind. This is the liberty we have been called to as sons of God, and this is the liberty all creation is waiting to come into even as we set them free (Rom. 8:19).

Prayer Point

Letโ€™s thank Him for the word today. Let us ask Him to help us spend time in His word and let His mind be formed in us.


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