The new Law

Call to Prayer

Title: The new law

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 09.02.2024


“34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.35ย By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” (John 13:34-35)


The command to love has been existing for ages, in fact it is one of the greatest commandments given to the Israelites in the old dispensation. God is love and He manifests that in different ways. He wants us to love one another in order to fulfil His nature in us. The Israelites were given the commandment in order to live a peculiar life that pleases God the creator and not to be misled by their own self, ego and the Devil. They were expected to live a holy life devoid of unrighteousness by loving God first and then their neighbors as themselves.

In the new testament, the command to love was upheld by Christ Jesus but this time, more elaborated. Christ became our template of the love we need to exhibit by Him giving His life to save us from the coming wrath. He was selfless, humble, compassionate and caring when He was on Earth and we are therefore expected to exhibit likewise. As children of God and followers of Christ, we should endeavor to fulfill this new law by applying it in our daily life. The early Apostles were identified with Christ in Antioch because they loved one another, did common things together, broke bread together even in adversaries and persecution. By that the people called them Christians.

Dearly beloved, we should kindly endeavor to also keep the mandate of loving one another like the Apostles despite our social, cultural and general differences. We are ONE in Christ and that is what ever matters. The life we live is a mind-catching book to people around us and it will be a great setback for the body of Christ if we don’t observe the new law. May God help us to exercise the great command.

Prayer point:

Let’s thank for the word today. Let us also ask God to help us to love one another indeed.


Repost from: 04.03.2022



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