Call to prayer

Title: Knowing God

By: Michael Ntow

Date: 15/03/2022


I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. JOHN 14:6


We must realize as we approach God that His ultimate, gracious purpose with regard to man has been revealed to us, and it is a purpose of love and mercy and of kindness and compassion. This is something that is only known fully and finally in and through the Lord Jesus Christ. That is why this statement must be put like this: โ€œAnd this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sentโ€ (John 17:3). This truth is an absolute necessity.

That is why our Lord said, โ€œI am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by meโ€ (John 14:6). He is the way to God. He is the truth about God, and apart from the life He gives, we will never share or know the life of God. So there is no knowledge of God apart from Him; through Him comes this ultimate true and saving knowledge; the saving relationship.

Notice what John 17:3 tells us about our Lord Jesus Christ: โ€œThat they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ.โ€ The name Jesus reminds us of the truth of the Incarnation: This eternal Son of God was made man, the man Jesus. But the man Jesus is One who is God and who is co-equal with Him and whom, therefore, you think of in terms of being God and being with God, ย โ€œand Jesus.โ€

But He is also Jesus Christ, and โ€œChristโ€ means โ€œMessiah,โ€ the One who has been anointed to do this special work of bringing men and women to God and of giving Godโ€™s life to humankind. You see how all this mighty doctrine is put here as it were in a nut- shell for us, โ€œand Jesus Christ.โ€ It is all there, the ultimate object is to know this โ€œonly true Godโ€; yes, and the way to know Him is to know Jesus Christ.

A thought to ponder

Christ is the way to God; He is the truth about God.

Prayer point

Let us pray for grace to point people towards Jesus as the only way, truth and the life.






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