Benefits of Practicing His Presence


ย Title:ย Benefits of Practicing His Presence

By:ย ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 06.04.2022


And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. Genesis 17:1 KJV


At a unique time in Abrahamโ€™s life, God required him to walk before Him. Walking before God involves living in the consciousness that He is with you. That is, practising His Presence. God required this from Abraham because it was time for him to experience certain things of God, and practising His Presence was a way to them.

The first thing Abraham experienced was the perfection of his character, for God saidย โ€œwalk before me, and be thouย perfectโ€.ย The word perfect was translated from the Hebrew wordย โ€œTamiymโ€,ย which means “entire”, and sometimes translated to meanย โ€œwithout spotโ€.ย God used this word to address Noah (Gen. 6:9) and Job (Job 1:1), and in both instances, He was referring to their character. Those who have reached perfection have attained the capacity of God to love (Matt. 5: 46-48), practicing His Presence is a way to it.

Another thing Abraham witnessed when he became a practitioner of His Presence was an increase in his discernment. The first act that was recorded that Abraham did after receiving the instruction to walk before God was him being able to recognize God when He appeared as a man travelling with some othersย (Gen. 18:1-5).ย Discernment is the ability to recognize what is of God and what is not. It is expected that those were not the first sets of people that walked passed Abrahamโ€™s abode, but he was able to sense that these were different men and that the Lord was among them. Scriptures admonished us to โ€œโ€ฆย show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing itย (Heb. 13:2)โ€, but how do we know the stranger with the right intention? With discernment, which is increased by the practice of His Presence, we can know who to entertain.

Finally, after Abraham became a practitioner of His Presence, he saw the fulfilment of promises. Abraham had been in expectation of a child for many years. Just when it was for God to fulfil His word to him, this was when He called Abraham to walk before Him (Gen. 17:1). Not long after He started practising this was when God appeared to Him and gave Him a specific date for the manifestation of the promise (Gen. 18:10). When we practice His Presence, we become more discerning as we have seen. This in turn helps us to know the right actions to take which will lead to the manifestation of that which the Lord has promised. For Abraham, it was entertaining strangers, for you, it may be obeying the instruction He may say to you through an unlikely vessel (Mark 9:37), for you have been called to see God in him or her.

Be a practitioner of His Presence today.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s ask Him to help us to be Practitioners of His Presence.


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