The Lord is my Shepherd – Part 2


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 10.04.2022

Title: The Lord is my Shepherd – Part 2


He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.ย  (Psalms 23:2 NKJV)


Last week I began a topic titled, โ€œThe Lord is my Shepherdโ€ which was based on a famous Psalms of David. We learnt that the Lord is a Shepherd of His Children. However, it takes intimacy with Him and the Holy Spirit in order to come to this realization. The word of God also made us understand some of the benefits we get when the Lord is our Shepherd. One of them is Divine Provision. Today, I would like to share with you other benefits we receive when the Lord is our Shepherd.

The Lord, the good Shepherd, makes His Sheep lie down in green pastures (Eze 34:14). Shepherds can lead their Sheep for Miles just to locate a field with good pasture. The distance even prolongs in dry season, but the good Shepherd never gives up on His Sheep until they are fed. When we come Christ, He feeds us with His word and also directs us to places where we can be taught the true word of God. The good Shepherd will always make sure that we are fed and satisfied whenever we are hungry (Matt 5:6).

After the Sheep are fed, another journey begins. This is a journey in search of a place with still Water so the Sheep can quench their Thirst and drink to their satisfaction. The Shepherd doesnโ€™t lead His sheep to rivers with high torrents which will scare off the Sheep rather, he leads them to still Water where they can drink in peace. In the same way, when we come Christ, the Lord fills us with the Holy Spirit (John 7:37-39, Eph 5:18). The Holy Spirit is the Lord Himself who is living in us and assuring us that He loves us, cares for us, and that He is always with us and will neither leave us nor forsake us.

This fellowship and companionship that we establish with the lord when we come to Christ also brings the peace of God in our lives. This is the kind of peace that money cannot buy and its mostly beyond human imagination. The peace of God is not always the absence of problems or storms as the world defines it but the Peace we experience even in the midst of the storm. This is possible because the Holy Spirit who is in us also comforts us all the time.

Beloved in the Lord, God is a good Shepherd for all His Children. Just as Shepherds make their sheep lie down in green pastures, the Lord also feed His Children with His true Word and just as Shepherds lead their Sheep besides still Waters, the Lord also fill His Children with the Holy Spirit and give them Peace.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask God to help all Believers around the world to be conscious that He is our Shepherd. Letโ€™s also pray for all Believers to continually hunger and thirst for the word of God and desire the Gifts of the Spirit, knowing that we will be filled.

God bless you all.


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