Our Security in God

Call To Prayer

Title: Our security in God

By: Michael Ntow

Date: 12/04/2022


And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.ย  JOHN 10:28


There is nothing uncertain about my acceptance with God, nor about my forgiveness, nor about my sonship. When I realize that I have been brought into Godโ€™s plan, I know that nothing can frustrate this.

Now there are many people who talk about the Protestant Reformation and the influence it had upon the world. You find that certain statesmen do this. They say you cannot explain the history of England apart from the Protestant Reformation. Neither, they say, can you explain the United States of America apart from these things, because they all had their origin in that Reformation. But how little do these people really see what it all means and what it really represents, which is that these great truths are absolute and certain.


Do you know why the Pilgrim Fathers made that attempt and succeeded in crossing the Atlantic? What was it that enabled men to do things like that and to do things that were even more hazardous? It was that they believed in what is called โ€œthe doctrine of the perseverance of the saintsโ€; it was because they had seen themselves in the plan of God that cannot be broken and that cannot fail. It is as absolute as God Himself; He knows the end as well as the beginning. โ€œNeither shall any man, โ€œ said Christ, โ€œpluck them out of my hand.โ€ It is unthinkable.

If God has done all this for us in Christ, and especially in His death, we can be certain that He will carry on with the work until it is completed. That is Paulโ€™s argument: โ€œHe that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?โ€ (Romans 8:32). God, who is sufficiently concerned about me to send His Son to die on the cross of Calvary for me, is not going to let me down when any difficulty or temptation faces me.


A thought to ponder

God is not going to let me down when any difficulty or temptation faces me.

Prayer point

Pray that God will grant unto you boldness for the work of the ministry.


God bless us all

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