The Redemptive Works of the GodHead


Title:ย The Redemptive Works of the GodHead

By:ย ย Daniel Peter

Date: 04.05.2022


And so all Israel shall be saved, as it is written: โ€œThere shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob. Romans 11:26 KJV


The fall of man was quickly followed up with a promise of redemption by God (Gen. 3:15). Ever since then, there has been an unfolding of this redemptive plan across generations and dispensations. Though connected, different redemptive works have been performed and will be performed by each member of the Godhead (The Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit). Studying these different redemptive works will give us a clearer picture of Godโ€™s plan.

Generally, the word redemption means to buy back something, That is, to reclaim ownership of something that was lost to another. Man was Godโ€™s own by creation, but after His fall, man became a slave to the devil (John 8:34). It has been Godโ€™s intention for all mankind to return to Him, and the payment for this redemption was fulfilled by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But before the appearing of our Lord, The Father performed a redemptive work by the deliverance of Israel from Egypt. This first redemptive work was spearheaded by the Father, and its main purpose was to help us understand that which will be performed by the Son at His coming. Egypt in this case was a figure of the kingdom of darkness, and Israel represented the people of God. Therefore, the time before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is referred to as the dispensation of the Father, for He was the main actor in those times.

At the appearance of the Son, a second redemptive work was performed, which was the fulfilment of what the first foreshadowed. By the price He paid at the cross, mankind was delivered from the powers of darkness. This redemptive act was spearheaded by the Son (Jesus Christ), for He was the chief actor like the Father was in His dispensation. Despite the price was fully paid, this redemption is and will be experienced in three phases: The redemption of the spirit (which is complete the moment we accept Him as Lord), the redemption of the soul (which is a continuous process as we renew our minds by the word), and the redemption of the body (which will be performed at His second coming).ย 

The last redemption work that will be performed by a member of the Godhead must be carefully considered and understood properly. Apostle Paul speaking about the salvation of the nation of Israel, reminded us of an ancient promise of The Deliverer coming out of Zion and turning away ungodliness out of Jacob (Rom. 11:26). The use of the definite article โ€œTheโ€ to describe this Deliverer suggests His divine status (a member of the Godhead). What Apostle Paul is indicating here is a redemptive work that will be spearheaded by the Holy Spirit, for He is the member of the Godhead that is presently resident in the Church (which Zion symbolized in Rom. 11:26). Despite the Holy Spirit being the one spearheading this redemptive work, its basis and result are no different from what Jesus Christ brought; it is the implementation of the work of Christ to a specific group of people (Israel). Again, as the Father coming down to deliver Israel out of Egypt was actualised through a human vessel (Prophet Moses), The Deliverer, who is the Holy Spirit, will rise out of Zion (the Church) through individuals (members of the Church) who will rise to their calling.

In my next contribution to the Call to Prayer, I will explain the uniqueness of this act of the Spirit and how it will be achieved.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s ask Him to make clear His redemptive plan to the Church, and cause us to rise to our responsibility.

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