A personal relationship with God Part III

Call To Prayerย 

Title: A personal relationship with God Part IIIย 

By: Njuacha Hubertย 

Date: 16.05.2022ย 


When the prophet who had brought him back from his journey heard this, he said, โ€œIt is the man of God who disobeyed the command of the LORD. Therefore, the LORD has delivered him to the lion, and it has mauled him and killed him, according to the word that the LORD had spoken to him.โ€ 1 King 13:26ย 


Today I would like us to look at the importance and emphasis on every one having a personal relationship with God. We must all seek to have a personal relationship with God.ย ย 

On judgement day, we are not going to be judged as groups (members of Redeem, members of Christ church, Catholics etc.) but on a one-on-one basis. What this tells us is that we might be in various groups but we all need a personal relationship with Jesus. A personal relationship with God is not limited to between pastor/priest and God. Preaching on the pulpit is not the only calling there is. Being a teacher is a calling. Being a doctor is a calling. They are all callings from God. How do you fulfil Godโ€™s calling upon your life without a constant sustenance from God through a personal relationship with Him.ย ย 

Our opening verse is talking about a man of God from 1 King chapter 13(I recommend reading the chapter) who was given an instruction from God and then later disobeyed by obeying a contrary instruction from an elderly prophet who persuaded him by saying the instruction he gave was also from God. This exposes a lack of personal relationship on the part of the man of God who was deceived. The question is why did He not ask God back if the unfamiliar word was from Him.? For us today was need to know the word of God for ourself so that we too can know when a man of God is saying something contrary to the word of God. We need to communicate with the holy spirit to ask Him what is true. Your relationship with God should not be tied to another person’s relationship with God. No man should be like God to you (Idolatry). Know that we are all humans liable to error and sin. Now, when you just come into Christ this is understandable but you need to grow because tomorrow the person who brought you to Christ may fall and you will have to pray for him rather than lose your faith in God. You should learn the word of God for yourself. Study the scriptures for yourself. Experience God for yourself. Do not only say the “God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob”. Or like now some say “the God of so and so man of God”. Say my heavenly father, my God.!ย 

Another aspect to mention about this emphasis of a personal relationship with God is to allow God speak to us the way He wants to. We should not try to limit the unlimited God. Your friend may hear Godโ€™s voice audibly but for you He can speak through your neighbor who is not a believer saying something random. The way He spoke yesterday can change today. The important thing is to believe that you hear from Him. (John 10: 27-28) And be led by the Holy spirit which leads us in all truth.ย 


Let us pray for the grace to accept the lord increasingly as personal lord and savior and grow in our bonding with God.ย 


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